Lord of the West

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Head Maid's POV

We must send for help, Lady Kiozumi has been in a state of sorrow, pain, and rage since she has returned from her adventures. She's been this way since she found out about her parents' murder about 2 months ago. I remember when she returned from her absence everyone was so happy. There was a large party to celebrate the return of Lady Kiozumi, the Princess of Snow. 

It's sad to see a once happy and loving demoness so hurt and anger, I worry that if something isn't down soon that Lady Kiozumi will be lost forever in her rage and sadness. It's gotten so bad that if someone angers her she'll kill them right there. If something isn't done soon she might end up killing everyone in the entire Northern Lands.

Sesshomaru's POV

Patrolling the borders of the Western Lands is such a chore but sadly is I don't do it then there could be even more trouble than there already is. Looking around I see a demon wearing the uniform of a messenger in the colours of the Northern Lands. As they come closer I notice the red marker on their shoulder to signify an emergency or something of great urgency.

"Messenger of the North! What is your message?" If it's something that could end up with the North in debt to the West then I'll see what can be done.

"My message is 'Lady Kiozumi, the Princess of Snow, has returned and has found her parents, the Lord and Lady of the North, dead and her beast has taken over and has gone on a rampage in pain, sorrow, and rage.' Please, Lord Sesshomaru of the West help us save our Lady from herself."

I decided that saving the Lady of the North from herself would indeed end up with the North indebted to the West. I told the messenger that I would help the North in its dark time.

As we travelled towards the North I realised that Lady Kiozumi would have the advantage in the Northern Lands that are filled with snow and ice. Also with a name like Princess of Snow she must be an amazing fighter in the harsh wintery weather. Soon we passed the border into the Northern Lands and it was like flying into a snow storm. All one could see was white, white, and more white also as soon as we passed the border the messenger has started looking terrified like something will attack us.

Kiozumi's POV

I'm in control of my body but for how long I don't know. Mitsu is still in a sorrow induced rage at the fact our parents who we haven't seen for 4 years were brutally murdered in our father's study and were just left there. My body is still in its beast form mainly because now that Mitsu's rage has lessened with the act of killing, it's my turn.

So now I'm wandering the Northern Lands in my snow storm looking for a demon strong enough for me to actually fight and not just obliterate with a single blow. While those are fun their not great at releasing rage. Even though it's nearly impossible to see anything in this snow storm I have created I don't need to actually see, the snow that falls acts almost like echolocation in the sense that anything it touches I can see in my minds eye.

After about 30 minutes of wandering in the snow, I sense a very strong demon about 50 meters away from my current location. This excites me in the sense of bloodlust. As we get closer to each other I recognize the demonic aura, it's the demonic aura of Sesshomaru. I remember him from all of the battles with Inutrasha and from all of the stupid balls that I had to attend or that were held for me while I was living at the Northern Palace.

Mitsu starts getting really excited, which angers me. She's had her turn at merciless killing and now it's my turn but she's trying to take control. I'm also mad because when I was younger and at a ball that Sesshomaru was also at he would always call me ugly. Now is my chance to take my revenge for all of the years of being called ugly by the demon that all demoness desired.

With my rage doubled with the recurring memories, I sprint towards his demonic aura. I'm ready to take my rage out and have my revenge now.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2016 ⏰

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