The End

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Kiozumi's POV

The Saimyōshō left as soon as I gave the signal, now all I had to do was play nice until Raku got here to 'kidnap' Emiko and me. Now all I have to do is wait for Raku to come within my sensory range.

"Kaede, can you take a look at Emiko," I ask the kind old woman as I hand Emiko over to her.

"What has done and eaten today child?" She answers while looking Emiko over.

"Well she woke up with me this morning, had cooked rabbit for breakfast but that's nothing new, then she wandered off for a bit before coming back, and I picked her up and as I was walking she fell asleep. She woke up for a bit when we arrived here growled at Inutrasha at calling her name pathetic, and then fell back asleep." Lie, that part about her wandering off and falling asleep while I carried her was a lie. She was awake for the entire day and walked the majority of the while.

"When she wandered off she must have eaten some foxglove. Normally it's fine for cats but since she's a cat demon it's different. When a cat demon consumes foxglove it doesn't hurt them but it does make them sleep for a very long time. The time can range from 6 to even 48 hours." As she finishes her speech she hands Emiko back to me. 

Once Emiko's back in my arms I can sense Raku. Time to get things started.




"Guys, I sense a jewel shard." I run outside and face towards the East, where Raku's castle is.

Soon everyone was outside and was getting ready to battle. As Raku was getting closer and closer the sky became more and more filled with his miasma. Then he appeared, everyone readied their weapon but only Inuyasha had the intent on killing him.

I looked up at Raku and rolled my eyes at him. He loves to be a drama queen and he knows it, honestly, this about of dark purple in his miasma is totally necessary. Miasma is actually a clear gas but Raku adds the dark purple to make it seem more scary and dramatic.

"NARAKU!!!! What are you doing here?" Shouts the idiot, oh sorry I mean Inuyasha.

'Yeah right. You totally meant it.'

'Fine you caught me red-handed.'

"I'm here for the girl who senses the shards." As he says this a demon puppet comes up behind me, 'catches my by surprise', and grabs me. It then goes up to Raku and he then grabs me with one of his tentacles. 

"Inuyasha!" I scream with 'fear' as Raku flies us off before he teleports us to his castle. 

"Alright, Kio time for your makeover." Oh, dear Kamis what have I gotten myself into?

'A shit ton of trouble that's what.'

Suddenly everyone appears with buckets of dirt and dust in their hands, then they throw the contents of the buckets onto me. Now I look the part of a poor, weak, and filthy Kagome who has been held prisoner by the evil Naraku. 

'What great friends we have!'

'Remind me to kill them when this is all through.'

'Will do!'

Then Kagura comes up from behind while I'm distracted with my beast and puts a collar, with a chain attached, onto my neck to make it look like I've been locked up in a cell.

(Time-skip: to a few hours ahead, when Inuyasha and friends get there)

"Naraku! Where are you? Give me Kagome?" Inuyasha shouts as he stands in front of the destroyed gates to the courtyard.

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