Howling Commandos and Vibranium

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----- November 1943 - London, England -----

(Y/N)'s POV

"Let me get this straight."

We were at The Whip and Fiddle, a pub in London, and Steve was trying to convince some of the guys we rescued from the HYDRA base to attack more HYDRA bases. Jones continues, "We barely got out of there alive and you want us to go back?"

Steve nods at that, "Pretty much." The men look at each other for a long moment. 

"Sounds rather a good time, actually," Falsworth admits. "I'm in," Morita agrees.

"Je combattrai jusqu'a ce que ledernier de ces batards soit mort, echaine ou bien qu'il pleure commeun nouveau-ne!" Dernier says aggressively.

Jones tells him, "J'espere touts les trois!" Dernier laughs, clapping Jones on the shoulder.

"They're in," I tell the others, seeing their confusion on what is being said.  

They switch their confusion to me when Steve asks, "You speak French?"

"I don't think speaking French is what you should be surprised I can do."

Dum Dum Dugan finishes his beer, mustache covered in foam, "I'll fight. Hell, I'll always fight. But you two gotta do one thing for me."  

"What's that?" I ask.

He hands over his empty pint glass, "Open a tab." 

The others laugh and hand over theirs as well. Steve grins and takes the glasses back to the bar as I follow behind him. Steve slides over the empties, "Another round?"

"See. Told you, They're all idiots," Bucky says as he comes up next to us.

"How about you? You gonna follow Captain America into the jaws of death?" Steve asks

"Hell no. That little guy from Brooklyn who was too dumb to runaway from a fight? I'm following him," Bucky looks at a poster of Steve and I, "But you guys are keeping the outfits, right?"

"God no, I look terrible in mine," I exclaim.

"I dunno, They're kinda growin on me"

Peggy appears in the doorway in a red dress, for some reason. She walks toward us, or more seemingly toward Steve.


"Agent Carter," Steve says as both he and Bucky stand from their stools.

"Ma'am," Bucky greets her. The distance at which the three of them are standing is both awkward and hilarious at the same time.

"Howard's got some equipment for you to try. Tomorrow morning?," Peggy tells Steve.

"That sounds fine."

The guys in the back start singing. Terribly may I add. "I see your crack squad is prepping for duty," Peggy mentions, glancing over at them.

"You don't like music?," Bucky asks her.

"I do, actually," She looks back at Steve, "I may even, when this is all over, go dancing."

Bucky grins and nods at the dance floor, "Then what are we waiting for?" I stifle a laugh at Bucky's awful, awful attempt to flirt with someone who isn't even looking at him.

"The right partner," She smiles at Steve and heads out, "08:00, Captain."

"Yes ma'am. I'll be there," Steve tells her as she fades from view.

[DISCONTINUED] The Child of Hope (MCU x Male "Superman" Reader)Where stories live. Discover now