Chapter 31

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(Y/NS POV)//27TH DECEMBER 2020//

I wake up in a hospital, my mom sleeping on couch thing next to the window. I look around, I felt very drowsy and sore.

"Mom." I whisper.

"Mom please." I whisper.

She starts to move around before she sits up. She takes a sip of her water and then wipes her eyes.

"Please wake up." She says slowly lifting her head to me.

Her eyes widen and she starts to cry again.

"Sweetie." She cries hugging me.

"Mommy." I cry.

"Hey, hey it's okay, your safe darling." My mom says stroking my cheeks.

A nurse walks in.

"Looks like she's woken up." The nurse smiles. "Wonderful to see."

"Hello." I say to the nurse.

"Let me go get the nightly doctor." She smiles.

We nod our heads and she walks out. I turn to mom.

"What's happening to me?" I ask softly.

"Oh darling girl, they think it's the medication." She says sitting in the chair next to me.

"It's been weeks, I changed my medication ages ago." I say.

"I know baby, they said this type of thing builds over time, so your medication was good for a short period of time but after months and months of having it your heart started to reject it." My mom says.

A doctor walks in.

"Hello Y/N, I'm Doctor Robinson." A man walks in.

"Hello." I say.

"Can you answer a few questions for me?" He asks.

"Sure." I say.

"What's your full name?" He says taking a chart from the bottom of my bed.

"Y/N Y/M/N Seavey." I say.

"What's your birthday?" He says writing this first thing I said down.

"15th of July." I answer.

He nods his head.

"Good, can I do a few normal tests make sure you have control?" He asks putting the chart back.

I nod my head and he starts to shine lights in my eyes, tests my reflexes and finally my blood pressure.

"Okay good job." He smiles.

"You get some rest kiddo, I'll inform your doctor to come around in the morning for some more formal tests." The doctor says.

I nod my head and my mom thanks him.

"Mom I'm gonna go to sleep now." I say closing my eyes.

"Okay darling." She says rubbing my cheek again.

I guess she doesn't believe I'm awake right now.


I had heaps of tests and am now sitting with my family. When I see a familiar face poke around the corner.

"Hey Y/N." Myta smiles.

"Hello Herrons." I smile as they all walk in.

Zach looked like he needed a good night sleep.

"Y/N?" Reese says poking her head around from behind Zach.

"Come here sweetie." I smile.

She jumps onto the bed and hugs me.

"Yay." She whisper crying.

"Don't you cry, you'll make me cry." I laugh with a few tears already falling down my cheeks.

She pulls away and Ryan comes over to me.

"Thank god your okay." Ryan chuckles.

I hug him tightly laughing a bit. Then Zach comes over. My head laid against his chest made me shut my eyes. He rubbed my back, we pull away and he gives me a look. I hug Josh and Myta and they both tell me how happy they are I'm okay.

"Y/N don't do that again." Reese says sternly.

"I'll try." I laugh.

"Y/N, I see you have visitors." My doctor comes around the corner and smiles.

"These are the Herron's." I smile. "Myta, Josh, Ryan, Reese and Zach."

My doctor smiles at the all.

"Nice to meet you all I've heard about you." She smiles.

"Especially you." She points at Zach.

"What about me?" Zach says concerned.

"Just things, I've heard." She winks at him.

He looks star struck and made me laugh.

"Now Y/N, I have done some thinking and I have two options for you." Patterson says holding her clip board against her chest.

"I have two options, one is medication and one is a needle." She continues. "I'm gonna tell you both but it's up to you in the end. They can be used together incase you can't decide yet."m

I nod my head. Everyone listening intently.

"The medication, is like the one you had back in Washington but is prone to more passing out inconveniently for random reasons. The needle, would mean you ditch medication all together, whenever you feel a heart attack or passing out you have a needle. It'll basically kick start your heart back up." She explains.

"What are the buts for the needle?" My pop asks.

"Well, if not done properly it could be dangerous and if not kept in a safe environment it could be dangerous. Of course that's the same risk you run with any medication but I do think just having two things right now would be best." Doc explains.

I think for a minute.

"It's up to you sweetie." My mom says rubbing my hand.

"I'll have both." I say.

"Of course, I'll come back in a minute and explain how to do the needle to your family incase they have to do it." She smiles.

I take a deep breath, I've had my fair share of needles in my time but they scare the death out of me.


Patterson comes in and with a syringe.

"Okay so I'm not actually gonna give you a kickstart cause that's dangerous but I'll explain." She laughs.

She stands next to me and explains to everyone what to do. Everyone watching to this. I was looking at Zach. He seemed very engaged to what she was saying.

"Does this make sense?" Patterson asks.

Everyone nods their head, even Reese which makes us all laugh.

"Now I know how independent you are but you can't go this by yourself." She says to me. "Someone has to do it to you and has to make sure you're okay."

"I know." I say.

"Great." She smiles.

"Now I have some good news." She says clapping a little bit.

"What?" I ask.

"You can go home tomorrow." She smiles. "You just have to be here over night for observation."

I nod my head and smile.

"Yay." I say.

The rest of the afternoon is spend talking with everyone until everyone goes him except my mom.

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