Chapter 64

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(ZACHS POV)//15TH JULY 2021//

Y/N walks out of the bathroom all ready to go. She was excited but worried about Daniel. I just wanted her to have a good day.

"Beautiful, stop stressing." I say pulling her to me.

"I don't know what to do." She says.

"We don't have to do anything." I remind her. "We've done what we need to do."

"This isn't normal to him, but it is normal for us." I say kissing her head. "Today we just have to be ourselves."

"What if he doesn't like it?" She says.

"Does it matter? Isn't that what we have always said." I say.

"I know but everyone else is okay with it." She says pointing to the door.

"Why can't he be?" she gets tears in her eyes.

"I don't know, he just needs time." I say.

"I love you, why can't he accept that." She puts her arms around my head.

"I love you too, he may not like it but he defiantly can't change it." I say kissing her.

She kisses me back. We pull away and rest our foreheads together, like always.

"Now let's go and enjoy your birthday." I say.

"Can we get matching ears?" She asks me innocently.

"We can get whatever you want." I smile.

"You look so cute by the way." I say looking at her cute outfit.

She's wearing her favourite little denim shorts, and a white crop stop with with her favourite Disney character on it, along with her white Air Force ones. Her hair dangling over her shoulders and her nice light makeup she wears.

"Thank you." She smiles. "Your looking handsome."

"Thank you gorgeous." I say.

We share a kiss before walking downstairs.

"To Disney Land!" Reese yells excited.

"I like this kid." Adam laughs.


We arrive after a car ride where Adam, Lillian, Katie and Y/N are seeing to Disney songs we arrive at Disney Land. It made me laughing. We all get out of the car and we stand outside the car waiting for everyone else.

Adam and Lillian are filming a TikTok dance. Katie is looking at her phone. While I'm leaning against my car, with my girlfriend hugging me tightly, while I play with her hair.

"Should we just go buy tickets?" Katie asks.

"We are here?" Adam says.

"Were are the others?" Corbyn says getting out of his car.

Lera also gets out before Jonah and Eben.

"Didn't believe it when Jonah told me." Eben laughs.

"Hey E." Y/N says.

"Happy birthday kiddo!" Eben says hugging her.

'How you doing?" Eben asks me.

"Im alive." I laugh.

"You know when people say take punches for your girl they don't mean it." Eben laughs.

"Yeah but I love her." I laugh.

"Where's the birthday girl!?" We hear.

We hear. Franny runs over and steals Y/N from me.

"Happy birthday bestie!" Franny yells.

"Thank you Franny." Y/N smiles.

"Daniel's on a call, so he'll be here in a minuet." Franny says.

'Hello Herron." Franny says hugging me.

"Hey Fran, how are you?" I ask.

"I'm good, you?" She says.

"Chilling." I say.

"Daniel James Seavey are your off your phone yet!" She yells at Daniel's car.

Daniel gets out of the car and everyone else starts to arrive.

"Happy birthday sis." He says hugging Y/N tightly.

It was a little bit awkward.

"Okay lets go!" Keri says.

We all walk into the the front lobby place and get out tickets to go in.


We've been walking around for a while and have stopped to get lunch at a little one of the restaurants. It was still a little weird with Daniel but Y/N's acting how she normally does she I have been too. We got matching ears and matching key chains, which made her smile.

"What do you want, Zach?" Y/N asks me.

"I'll go get it." I say.

She stands up.

"Im getting it, what do you want?" She says draping her arms around my neck, her chin on my head.

I tell her what I'll have and she nods.

"Jack what do you want?" She asks.

Jack tells her and thanks her.

"I'll be back." She says kissing my cheek.

"Wait for us Y/N." Franny says walking away with Lera.

Because we are such a big group we are all spread out in different tables. Our table was, Y/N, Lera, Franny, Daniel, Corbyn, Jack and me.

"Wait Zach, when you guys going to Hawaii?" Jack asks me.

"Two days." I respond.

"Have you told Randy?" Daniel asks looking a his drink.

"I told Jon. He said he'd talk too Randy about it." I say.

"Smart, Randy wouldn't be happy if he found out you had a girlfriend." Daniel chuckles.

"So what did Jon tell Randy?" Jonah asks.

"I think he said it was family business." I say. 

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