5-"you sure that's a good idea?"

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After some time playing with Mickey, we start playing another games until we stop at Call Of Duty, my whole focus on the game while the rest of the guys talk from the couch close to us, then I die in the game and let out a loud scream while looking up


I hear Mickey laughing close to me, then I glare at him before goin back to playing, we play for the rest of the day and turn the Xbox off when is something close to 7pm, then I bring it to the living room of the bottom part of my house and leave the fast as I can without it begin suspicious, when I'm upstairs again I take some clothes (a dark blue top and some pajama pants) to take a bath, warning the guys before doing it

When I'm done I get out of the bathroom while drying my hair, then go to my room to finish drying it, then I get a video call request from my psychologist and answer it
"iai Ka, de boas?"(hey Ka, u good?) i ask and she replies almost instantly "to ótima! e voce?"(I'm great! what about you?)
"to bem também"(I'm good too) I say while walking to the kitchen

"então, antes de tudo, se sabe como eu amo tartarugas ninja e como eu so apaixonado pelo Rafa ne?"(so, before we start, you know how I love ninja turtles/tmnt and how I'm completely in love with Raph right?)
"sei sei"
(I know I know)

"então, isso vai se bem estranho e foda, mas a galera de tartarugas ninja apareceram aqui em casa"(so, that'll sound very weird and amazing as fuck, but the guys from ninja turtles/tmnt appeared here in my house)

"...como?"(...what/how?)she asks

"isso mesmo q se ouviu, eles magicamente apareceram aqui como em uma fanfic, e ta tudo dando certo"(exactly what you heard, they magically appeared here like in a fanfic, and everything is great)
"Leo, ce ta brincando ne?"
(Leo, you're joking, right?)
"to não to não, quer q eu prove? eu so tenho q vê se eles tão ok com isso"(I'm not I'm not, u want me to prove it? I just have to see if they're ok with that) while we speak I do some buttered brear to I eat, then Raph comes, staying out of the camera range of view
"hey shortie, who you're taking to?"
"minha psicóloga, e vc e seus irmãos tão de boa com eu mostrando vocês pra ela rapidinho? ela não ta acreditando que vcs apareceram aqui mesmo"
(my psychologist, and you and your brothers are ok with me showing you all to her real quick? she's not believing that you all are really here)

"uh.. I'll see with them" he says before goin back to the living room
"com quem voce tava falando?"(who where you talking to?)
"com o Rafa"
(with Raph) I reply while eating my buttered bread, then the guys come to the kitchen

"you sure that's a good idea?" Donnie asks me when he gets there
"yea, it'll be just to prove that you guys are really here" I say and take my phone, getting closer to the guys and holding up my phone like we're taking a selfie, when I do that Ka gets wide eyes and look at all of the turtles before talking

"ok, isso e bem estranho.."(ok, that's very weird..)
"hey, não fala isso"
(hey, don't say that) I say in a fake angry tone
"ok ok, mas a gente tem que i pra nossa consulta logo ou a gente não vai te tempo o suficiente pra conversa sobre tudo que a gente precisa"
(ok ok, but we need to get to our appointment now or we won't have enough time to talk about everything we need to talk about) she says and I put my phone down
"okei, thanks and talk to you later guys!" I say before heading to my room and staying there until my therapy ends for today

kinda out of ideas for what can happen after the therapy section, but I have something in mind for the next chapter!

683 words
posted on 29/08/2021(day/month/year)

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