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so, since I won't describe my character's apearance too much in the actions and such, I'll just leave pics now so y'all know
but you can ignore it and use your own oc's instead, that's totally fine ^^

so, since I won't describe my character's apearance too much in the actions and such, I'll just leave pics now so y'all knowbut you can ignore it and use your own oc's instead, that's totally fine ^^

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(soft goth lol)

another boring weekends begins and I wake up, laying in the bed

why can't I just stay here forever? I think then my stomach growls hungry, I sigh and get up, groaning in pain because of my back, why does it have to hurt so much? I didn't do anything to it hurt like that..

I go to the kitchen and take breads, cutting them in half and putting butter on the soft side of then, usually I wouldn't eat in the morning since I get stomach ache when I do so, but I'm too hungry to not do so, while I do the bread I let some milk heat in the microwave, after a minute I take it out and put the plate there instead, putting 30 seconds on the timer and waiting while I put some chocolate powder on the milk, when it's all done I go back to my room and sit on the bed, eating and drinking the chocolate while I scroll through Wattpad looking for some good Raph x reader fanfics

no, no, this one is discontinued.. no, already read this one, last updated in 2018? are you kidding me?? then I find a completed one, a pretty long one tbh.. then I start reading it quietly while I eat, when I'm done with the food I put the plate and the mug on a desk close to my bed, then turn off the lights and lay again while putting some music, while I read I complain about some random things that "(Y/N)" is doing that I wouldn't do and talking to myself

then when I don't have nothing more to talk I start singing softly a song that's playing, Carrinho de Madeira(wood cart), finally some good music, while I sing and read I don't notice the 4 confused teenagers standing in the room, confused on why they're standing in someone's room

then Raph open his mouth, ready to ask me where they are, before Leo glare at him, making him stay quiet. then I start laughing and fangirling a bit bcz of something that happened in the fanfic and lay my head in my arm "mano, pelo amor de deus por que??"(man, for gods sake why??) I ask myself between laughs "mickeyy! wtf man-"

I keep reading and go back to singing when my laughter dies, all the turtles, except Raph, look at me weirdly, wondering wtf i'm saying, then I yawn and cover my head while laying with my back up and with my head laying on one of my folded arms, looking away from the boys then Donnie mutters something to Leo and he nods, hesitantly saying "Excuse me.."

when I hear his voice I flinch and stop singing, trying to look at them in the dark "....Leo?" I ask hesitantly, like, excuse me wtf why he sounds so much like Leo and wHY THE HECK THERE'S MORE PEOPLE IN MY ROOM ?! I think panicking internally "Whoa bros, she knows Leo's name-" Mickey says before getting slapped in the head by Raph, then Leo lets out a fake cough to catch their attention, then he turns to me again "Excuse us, but do you know where we are?" "aah então vocês falam em ingles, blz blz"(aah, so you guys speak in english, ok ok) "um, you're in my room.." I answer struggling a bit to speak since I don't know how to speak in english, but I know how to write and understand what people say, weird right?

then I sit on the bed and strech myself while he opens his mouth to say something, but Raph cuts him off "What do you mean 'you guys speak in english'? you're talking in english too" he says in an annoyed tone, but still pretty confused like the others. then everything gets dead-silent "um... Raph, she's not talking in english.." Donnie says breaking the silence, then I get up and turn on the light with my eyes slightly closed since too much light all of sudden hurt my eyes, then I go sit on the bed again and look at them

"so, I'mma be quick here even if what I'm 'bout to say shocks you, but here where we are, in Brazil by the way, you guys are characters from a movie, and before you ask, I have no idea of why and how you four are here" I say bluntly, wanting to explain the things quickly so I can talk to them normally

They look at me even more confused before Mickey talks happily like always "we're famous, cool" I smile a bit "so, would any of you like some coffee or something to eat?" I ask, not knowing what to do now "I think a coffee would be nice" Donnie says sincerely, then I get up and walk to the door of the room, opening it while saying

"beleza, vem comigo"(great, come with me), then Raph goes to follow and see that none of his brothers moved from their place "Come on. she's waiting for us" he says in an annoyed tone, like always, and go search for me while the other follow, then they find me sitting on top of the kitchen counter while filling a a small cup with black coffee, handing it to Donnie after "aqui,"(here,) I say and he takes the cup with a thanks, then take a sip of it before doing a face "yea sorry, I heard that Americans didn't like strong coffee but didn't thought that it was true" I mumble

"so, I know you're all confused and want answers, but I'm completely sure I don't have all the answers, so patience" I say right after, then Donnie and Leo ask questions like "why we're here?" and what I meant when I said that they where characters from a movie.

I try to answer the questions the best as I can, explaining that they where from a series, that had a movie and another series while explaining too about them having lots of fans and such

"Why only Raph can understand what you're saying without you speaking english?" Donnie asks and I open my mouth about to answer, nothing coming out "honestly, I have no idea, but it's nice to know that at least one of you will be able to understand me when I don't know how to say what I want in english" I say yawning

1132 words

posted at fucking 01:20am on 12/8/2021(day/month/year)

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