13 how life is now

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The next days were interesting if I can say that, I got out of the closet as Trans and Pan for the guys and they accepted it pretty well to be honest, Raph and Leo didn't knew what these terms meant so I had to explain to them, once they knew what it all meant they were cool with that and we just continued living happy like a 'normal' family, That if a normal family have 4 ninja turtles and a mutant-rat dad

During that time me and Mickey started recording cover for famous songs of my universe, somehow they didn't existed in this one, weird..
Anyways! Our youtube channel started to grow very slowly, but there's a lot of people that support us there
After 2 weeks living here I got a job at a cafeteria, it's nice working there, the people aren't rude like I thought that they would be

Other day I found a hidden room that was abandoned in the lair, I cleaned it and damn, it was hella big, I'll have a lot of job to make it look nice..

I started to fix the room by cleaning it all and throwing the trash that was inside it away, one time or another I had to ask for help to take out a piece or two of heavy trash(metal scraps), but asides from that I cleaned it all on my own

When I finished cleaning I went out and got ink to paint the walls, I tried to paint the Starry Night on one of the walls but it didn't go so well, it still looks pretty but it doesn't look that much like the painting. I painted the wall that my desk was goin to be and ceeling White so I could draw on it, the other ones I painted a dark red since it is my favourite color
I painted it all hidden from the boys, locking the room door and doing anything I could to only show them once the room was done

When the walls were dry I blindfolded the guys one by one and painted their palms with their mask-colors and pressed their hands to the white wall right on front of where I was goin to put my table, I put them all in a vertical line and put splinter palm on the higher place, then I paint my palm red like Raph's and put my mark close to his, I write Familia(family) above it, I waited for it to dry and then show it off to the guys, more proud of it than anything I ever was

The next days were nice and calm, I started training with the boys and they say I'm goin pretty well for someone who haven't fought in years
My relationship with Raph is better than I thought that it would be, but I think that's because I never had a boyfriend(or girlfriend) and didn't knew what it was like to be in a romantic relationship

Time passed and after half a year working, and saving all the money that I can, I got enough money to do top-surgery, I went to some check ups and did the surgery, once I was ready to go back home April drived me there and the guys were so helpful when I was recovering

Once I fully recovered I was more happy than ever, walking around the lair shirtless when it was hot and doing some drawings on my surgery scars when I got bored

Some days ago while I was playing a terror game(It Steals to be more exact) in my room Mickey entered there when I was distracted and sared me so much that I literally teleported to the other side of the room, we both freaked out and we tried to do that again but it didn't work
When we both told Splinter about it he said that would help me, we started meditating together for some days and I teleported again while doing it, we keept doing that for a long time and I could control more and more my power, damn, this all sounds so much like a fanfic..

Anyways, things are great, I wonder how the good part of my family is tho.. I might visit them one day..

736 words
Posted on 15/9/2021(day/month/year)

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