Chapter 2: Reflection

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Ah, Champion City. Truly a city for...well, champions. Annie chuckled to herself as she scrubbed her armpits with soap, feeling the hot, refreshing water pouring down on her head. How long had she been living in Champion City? A few years, at least. And she had to admit, it wasn't a bad place to call home. Sure, the people living here were a little snobbish and uptight. And the leader...Stella, was it?...was sort of a spoiled little prick. Not to mention that the city itself was kind of obsessed with llamas and the whole place was a little elitist and seriously the diamond class rooms are only one block wider and...! Okay, she was ranting a little bit. But still, Champion City was not so bad once you got used to living there.

After turning off the water, Annie stepped out of the shower and wrapped a white towel around her body, her red hair dripping water all over the floor. She turned to look in the bathroom mirror and began drying off her hair, casually glancing at the window in the reflection, which showed the moon rising into the sky. Needless to say, she wasn't the only one freaked out upon seeing the fucking MOON of all things frozen in the sky. Stella went out with her pet llama to "fix the problem", though she had no idea how THAT was going to be possible. Strangely enough, the moon went back to moving after a while, but Stella still hadn't returned. She was actually starting to get worried... Annie sighed, staring at her reflection in the mirror with a sad expression. The old Annie wouldn't have given a shit for that woman. It truly showed just how far she had come from before the Witherstorm event...

She sighed heavily and began brushing her hair, staring down at her feet. Seeing Alex in Champion City with her boyfriend was definitely a surprise. She won't deny that hearing the news of Thomas' death brightened up her day just a little bit. Hope you enjoy living in hell, you son of a bitch. Heh heh... But what took that happiness away was what she saw when looking into Alex's eyes. Hurt. Anger. Distrust. Oh, she tried to hide it. She tried to show that there were no hard feelings between them. But Annie knew that the physical and mental abuse she had heaped onto Alex alongside Thomas had tainted their friendship forever.

Tomorrow, I'm gonna fix this, she silently vowed. I'm gonna march over to Beacontown and apologize for everything I've done, even if I have to get down on my knees and beg. She absentmindedly looked back up to the mirror...and saw a pitch black face with red glowing eyes and a yellow toothy smile staring right back at her. The strange ghoul in her mirror smirked at her and gave a small wave. "'Sup," he said, as if being in someone else's mirror was a TOTALLY NORMAL situation to be in. But Annie was calm, brave...

Nope, she was totally freaking out.


"Whoa, whoa, calm down," said the ghoul, holding his hands up in a placating manner. "I'm here to help. You gotta listen to me, alright? It's important!"


"Okay, seriously, calm down. We don't have much time so liste--!"


"SHUT UP!," the mirror demon yelled, his voice turning a few octaves lower. Annie quickly shut herself up, her face as white as a sheet. "Thank you!," he huffed. "Look, this is very important. In fact, you could say it's a matter of life and death. Champion City is in grave danger, kiddo. Hundreds are gonna die if something isn't done in time!"

Annie was finally able to calm down. "Okay," she said, breathing heavily. "This isn't a dream because I've tried pinching myself while you were talking. I don't think it's from indigestion either. But even if you're real, why the hell should I listen to you?" "Because I know Alex," said the creature, staring at Annie with a serious expression. His voice was filled with so much determination and tension that Annie couldn't help but believe him.

"So this is about Alex," she said, still trying to come to terms with the fact that she was talking to a reflection in her own mirror. "What's going on? Is she in danger?!" "Look, I don't have time to answer your questions!," the creature said impatiently. "Listen, something VERY bad is gonna happen to Champion City. I need you to evacuate as many people as you can. If you don't, many lives will be lost!" "But how am I supposed to do all that?!," Annie cried stressfully. "I don't know!," the creature groaned. "Talk to them, convince them, hold a sword to their throats if you have to! Just get the job done!"

The creature in the mirror started shimmering and Annie had a feeling that he was about to leave. "Wait a minute!," she said. "Who are you?!" "Kevin," said the creature, before vanishing entirely, leaving only Annie's bewildered face on the mirror.

After about an hour, Annie had managed to round up about a hundred people and lead them out of the city. There were plenty of people who refused to join her, no matter what she did. They jeered at her and said, "She's crazy! A total maniac! Our city doesn't need another Crazy Bill!" Annie had no idea who Crazy Bill was, but she had a feeling that the people who DID come with her only did so because they saw how scared and serious she was.

Right now, they were a few hundred blocks from Champion City. Some time has passed and everyone started growing restless and angry. "We should've stayed behind instead of wasting our time with that madwoman!," one of them groaned. The others agreed and began heading back to Champion City. "Don't go!," cried Annie. "If you go back, you'll all die!" "That's bullshit and you know it!," one of the citizens snapped, followed by murmurs of agreement. "What, do you think the city's gonna explode or somethi-?"

A massive shockwave erupted from Champion City, toppling buildings, incinerating the people who stayed behind, and knocking everyone else off their feet.

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