Chapter 4: Regret

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After the Witherstorm was defeated, countless parties and celebrations popped up all over the world. Boom Town was certainly no exception. This place had wild parties before, but none as wild as this. Everywhere you go, you could see people getting drunk out of their minds, jumping off roofs with some inane notion that someone would catch them, and getting into drunken fights that ended with bruises, broken bones, and somehow, paper cuts.

Ghost was a party animal. If there was a party within a hundred mile radius, he'd be there before you could say, "That's what she said." That was why, a few days after the Witherstorm was killed and the new Order of the Stone emerged, Ghost surprised everyone, including himself, by not participating in the biggest party Boom Town had ever seen.

Actually, he did try partying at first. After all, the world was saved and Ghost even replaced his old bar with a brand new one. Of course he should celebrate!

But after just a few minutes, Ghost knew that he had lost his "mojo." No matter what, he just couldn't bring himself to party like everyone else. Every time he tried to enjoy himself, some dark feeling deep in his gut stopped him from doing so. It was a feeling he had never felt before in his entire life, so he had no idea what it was. Even after consulting a doctor - and punching him - Ghost just couldn't understand what was wrong with him.

It took a long time before Ghost finally realized that the dark feeling was guilt.

His journey of self-discovery started back in Boom Town. The other griefers noticed that he wasn't the same person he used to be, so they shunned him. And in case you were curious, they did so by refusing to blow him up or chase him around with cacti. Griefers are weird.

Ghost finally sold his bar and left Boom Town, the place that he had lived in since he was born. He was venturing into unknown territory, and for the first time, he felt like a small child. Everything was so different from what he was used to in Boom Town! People DIDN'T blow each other up on a daily basis. Apparently, getting into fights for no particular reason is a BAD thing. And who the hell decided that being nude in public was illegal anyway?

The former bartender was thrown in jail several times before finally acclimating to his new environment. He made new friends, saw new perspectives, and emotionally matured at an astronomical rate. But at the same time, he realized that it wasn't the rules and morals of the outside world that were fucked up. It was his OWN. It was like someone was holding up a mirror and he was seeing his reflection for the first time - and he didn't like what he saw.

Boom Town, he realized very early on, was not like any other place in the world. In Boom Town, there were no rules or laws to hold you back. You could do whatever you want no matter how despicable it is and nobody will judge you for it because it is seen as normal. Everywhere else is a different story. There ARE rules. There IS a line to be crossed before you are seen as a monster. And suddenly, the memory of him attempting to rape Alex, a poor defenseless girl at the time, was seen in an entirely new light. Even though he bonded with her over drinks afterwards and even played a part in taking down the Witherstorm, that single memory still haunts him to this day. THAT, he realized, was where the guilt was coming from.

Ghost knew he was a changed man when he returned to Boom Town a few years later. Everywhere he looked, he only saw death, destruction, and chaos. Instead of joining in the activities with glee like the old Ghost would have done, he looked upon all the griefers' crimes with horror and disgust. And he was ashamed to have ever been affiliated with them.

Ghost eventually found himself relaxing on the roof of his own bar, gazing up at the night sky while everyone else laughed and hooted inside. At that point, he vowed to turn his life around. The old Ghost was dead. It was time to put on his big boy pants.

But first, he had to apologize to Alex. She was the reason for him becoming the man he is now. And if memory serves correctly, she was living in a new city called Beacontown...

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