Chapter 15: Reunion

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"Your mother lives here now?," asked Ramus, nervously playing with his thumbs. Alex nodded. "Yep! This is where she lives!," she exclaimed, pointing at the small, wooden house in front of them. "She used to live in a palace in the sky, but it got overrun with mobs." "I see...," said Ramus, slowly nodding. " still don't know how she got up there?" Alex shook her head. "Nobody does," she said. "Everyone who ended up in Sky City just remembered passing out and waking up there. Not even Isaac knows." Ramus nodded again and wiped some sweat from his face. "I am so nervous," he said...well, nervously. "I haven't seen Isa in so long. What will she say? How will she act? How-?" Alex quickly hugged her father tightly. "It's going to be fine," she said comfortingly. "Okay?" "Right," said Ramus, trying to convince himself. "You're right. Everything will be fine." Alex smiled, then knocked on the door.

"Coming!," Isa called from the other side of the door. Ramus noticeably stiffened from hearing a voice that he never thought he'd ever hear. The door opened, revealing Isa wearing her golden headband, but instead of her yellow robe, she was wearing a turquoise shirt and white jeans. "Alex!," she cried happily, hugging her daughter. "Oh, you have no idea how worried I was when I heard you went off to fight some all powerful being! Are you alright? Are you hurt?" Alex giggled. "I'm fine, mom," she said, hugging her back. "I...brought someone back, by the way. You might know him." "I do?," asked Isa, looking up. "Who could it b-?"

The woman's eyes widened in shock upon seeing what looked like a ghost from her past. Only it wasn't a ghost. It was a real, flesh and blood person. "Hello, sweetie," said Ramus, giving a nervous smile. "It's been a while." Isa slowly released herself from Alex, then walked towards her husband, not taking her eyes off of him. "R-Ramus?," she whispered.

"I found him, mom," said Alex, starting to cry with joy. "I-I found dad."

Isa began crying as well, though it wasn't from joy. Suddenly, she reared her hand back and gave Ramus the biggest slap in the face she could muster. SMACK! Ramus stared at his wife in shock, a red handprint beginning to form on his cheek. "...twenty years," Isa hissed, tears of anger streaming down her face. "You've been gone for TWENTY. YEARS. Do you have any idea what Alex and I have been through?!" "S-sweetie," Ramus whispered.

"Don't 'sweetie' me!," Isa yelled, causing everyone in the vicinity, including Milo, to stare at the strange spectacle. "We all thought you were DEAD! Do you have any idea how it felt when I heard the news that my husband and daughter were missing?!" "M-mom...," said Alex, taken aback by Isa's outburst. "Not now, Alex, I'm venting!," Isa snapped. "I cried myself to sleep every night because of you, Ramus! We were supposed to spend our anniversary together, but nooooo! You wanted to help Soren with his little experiment, and look what happened!"

By now, her face was wet with tears and her voice was growing weak. "A-and now you think you could just...w-waltz back into our lives like nothing happened? How could you-!" Before she could continue, Alex and Ramus hugged her tightly, cutting her off. "Isa, I am so sorry," Ramus whispered into her ear. "I swear, If I could turn back time and prevent that from happening, I would. But what's done is done, and we'll just have to make the best of it, alright?" "Dad's right, mom," Alex agreed. "The only thing that matters now is the present and future. We're a family again. We should be celebrating, not tearing old wounds."

Isa began crying softly, hugging them back. "I'm sorry, dear," she said to Ramus, her voice filled with guilt and shame. "It's just...this is so much to take in. I let my emotions get the best of me and I just...snapped. Please forgive me, both of you." "Sweetie," said Ramus, smiling sadly. "There's nothing to apologize for." "I know this is a lot to take in, mom," Alex spoke up, "so we'll explain everything to you." Isa nodded. "Of course," she said, letting them go and wiping the tears from her eyes. "Let's go into my house. We'll talk things out in there."

With that said, the three of them entered Isa's house, while everyone outside who heard the commotion went back to their daily routines. None of them realized that there was one person in the crowd who had been watching Alex, Ramus, and Isa with interest. He appeared to be a normal person at first glance, with fairly dark skin, a light blue shirt, and purple pants. However, if one looked very closely, they could almost see his eyes shifting from brown to pure white. What a happy and sad reunion, Herobrine thought in amusement, still staring at Isa's house. Happy because they are a family once more...and sad because it will not last forever. A vicious smile grew on his face. Not if I have anything to say about it.

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