Chapter 12: Fatherhood

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Ramus had never considered himself as father material. The idea had never even popped into his head, even though he had been married to Isa for a few years. So when he and his friends, the Order of the Stone, arrived back to their temple with Lucy as their new member, Ramus volunteered to adopt the child as his own daughter, thinking that being the parent of a baby was going to be the easiest thing in the world. Of course, he was mistaken.

To be honest, he started wishing that either Ellegaard or Gabriel or hell, even Ivor had volunteered to be Lucy's guardian instead. Not Magnus, though. That guy had issues.

To say that the baby was a handful was a grave understatement. She was so...needy! Every time Ramus walked just a few blocks away from Lucy, she would start bawling loud enough to, in Magnus' own words, "make his brain melt out of his ears." After calming Lucy down, as well as scolding Magnus for putting such a disgusting image in his head, Ramus thought that was the end of it and things were going to be smooth sailing from now on.

But no such luck. Lucy also demonstrated herself to have far more energy than he ever thought possible from an infant. She crawled on all fours to wherever she pleased, especially when no one else was watching. Soren nearly drove himself mad constantly trying to stop her from falling off stairs, high tables, and somehow, even a freaking cliff! They weren't even outside! How did she almost fall off a cliff INSIDE the temple?!

That wasn't all, however. Lucy had gotten into far more mischief than the Order had ever anticipated, which was especially impressive given that the day wasn't even over yet. She urinated in Soren's favorite hat (which Soren still mourns about to this day), nearly cut herself with Gabriel's sword (the warrior locked away ALL of his swords since then), bit Magnus' nose (Ellegaard thought it was hilarious), drank Ivor's entire potion supply without suffering from any negative effects (Everyone, including Ivor, was completely bewildered), covered herself in Ellegaard's redstone dust (Everyone thought it was adorable), and tore off parts of Ramus' beard (And he thought that spider bite from four years ago was painful).

After a while, it became clear that Lucy had WAY too much energy. They needed a way to expend all that energy before attempting to calm her down.

Hence, why they were making Lucy listen to one of Soren's lectures.

"...quite fascinating, especially with the way they place blocks down at random, and if you observe their mannerisms very closely-- Oi! Are you guys even listening?" "Huh? What?," Magnus snorted, startled from his nap. "Is it over?" He wasn't the only one who was sleeping. Ramus, Gabriel, Ivor, and even Ellegaard had just woken up from Soren's outburst. "I don't believe this," Soren huffed. "I'm telling a very interesting lecture on endermen and you're all taking naps!" "No offense, Soren, but your lectures are enough to put a zombie to sleep," Ivor grumbled tiredly. "We're very sorry," Gabriel yawned. "I guess that adventure earlier today took a lot out of us." Soren sighed. "Has Lucy finally relaxed, at least?," he asked hopefully.

"See for yourself," muttered Ellegaard, tilting her head at Lucy, who was vibrating in place while sitting in a baby chair that Ivor had gotten from...somewhere. She didn't look the least bit tired, even after sitting through one of Soren's lectures. "This is impossible!," Magnus groaned. "If listening to one of Ginger Beard's ramblings wasn't enough to put her to sleep, then what will?" "Ramblings? Ginger Beard?," said Soren, looking slightly hurt.

"Don't be rude, Magnus," Ramus scolded lightly. "Why don't we just sing her a lullaby? Doesn't that usually work on babies?" For a moment, everyone was silent as they let that idea sink in, before Ivor slapped his forehead irritatedly. "Of course! Why didn't we think of that before?," he groaned. "It WAS pretty obvious in hindsight," Ellegaard agreed.

"Alright, I'll try singing a lullaby," said Soren, and was about to sing, only to stop when he heard everyone else groaning. "What?," he pouted. "Do none of you like my singing?" "We're not saying that at all," Gabriel assured him. "Your singing is...well..." "It's terrible," Magnus said bluntly, receiving an elbow jab in the stomach from Ellegaard. "Oof! What? It is!" "What Magnus meant to say," said Ramus, "was that your singing could use some...improvement."

Soren sighed in annoyance. "Alright then," he conceded. "Who's going to sing the lullaby, then?" "Not me," said Magnus, shaking his head. "I'm still the king of Boom Town. I got an image to uphold." "I've never sang in my entire life," said Gabriel. "Neither have I," said Ivor. "Plus, spending years inhaling potion fumes tends to mess with your throat."

"I'm out too," said Ramus. "Singing was never one of my talents." After that, everyone turned to stare at Ellegaard. The redstone engineer sighed. "Alright, I'll do it," she said. "It's been a while, so don't get too excited." "This oughta be good," Magnus chuckled, probably hoping that Ellegaard would mess up and embarrass herself. Ellegaard cleared her throat and began to sing. Her voice was beautiful, soft, melodic, and haunting.

"When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are. Anything your heart desires will come to you. If your heart is in your dream, no request is too extreme, when you wish upon a star as dreamers do. Fate is kind. She brings to those who love the sweet fulfillment of their secret longing. Like a bolt out of the blue, fate steps in and sees you through. When you wish upon a star, your dreams come true." Everyone couldn't help but stare at her, shocked beyond belief by what they heard. Their attention was quickly diverted when they heard snoring and saw Lucy cuddled up in Ramus' arms, fast asleep.

"Well, what do you know," Ivor murmured, his eyes wide. "It worked." Soren clapped enthusiastically. "That was amazing, Ellegaard!," he congratulated. "Where did you learn how to sing like that?" "I kinda wanna know too," said Magnus, trying to hide his blush.

"I...I took singing lessons when I was a child," said Ellegaard, slightly embarrassed from the attention she was getting. "I never thought they'd pay off, though." "Still, that was excellent," said Gabriel. "You should be proud." Ramus stared at the sleeping infant in his arms and suddenly felt a deep sense of dread. "Guys...," he said, "...what if I do something wrong? What if I end up being a terrible father?" Everyone else looked at each other, then smiled at Ramus. Ivor walked over and placed his hand on Ramus' shoulder. "You'll be a great father," he assured him. "And if you have any trouble, we'll be there to help," said Soren, followed by murmurs of agreement. Ramus smiled at them gratefully. "Thank you, my friends," he said. Maybe having a child wasn't as bad as he thought. Now if only he knew how to break the news to Isa...

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