Part 4

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After Onika said that to me I was a little hurt not gonna lie. I know I just met Onika but I really like her. She's beautiful and she has a beautiful smile. I don't know what I'm gonna do.

I walked into class and sat in my seat. I realized Onika wasn't in class yet. I looked out the door and I saw her talking to Lauren, so that kinda relieved me to see that she was close by. I really care for Onika but I wish she would just accept it.

The bell rung and I saw Onika walk in to the class room

"Oh! You must be Onika" the teacher said looking at Onika .

"Mhm" Onika said with a fake smile. I know Onika's smiles now so I know when it's fake or if it's real and the one she just put on her face was fake.

"Okay great! You can have a seat next to Beyoncé" the teacher said pointing to me.


what the fuck! I said in my head

I rolled my eyes and sat next to Beyoncé not paying attention to her

"What the hell did I say about rolling them eyes Onika?" Beyoncé said in a low stern voice.

Not gonna lie that turned me on a little bit. I ignored the throbbing sensation in between my legs, and rolled my eyes again.

"Onika stop it I'm not playing with you. Stop rolling your eyes I don't want your beautiful hazel eyes to leave my sight" Beyoncé said.

I had to cross my legs because whew chile

Once we were working on the assignment the teacher gave us. Beyoncé realized I was having a hard time.

"Do you need help baby?" Beyoncé said trying to stay quiet since people were working.

"No." I said nonchalantly. I didn't want Beyoncé to help me because I didn't want her to think I was dumb or something.

"Okay let me know if you need help" Beyoncé said.

I shrugged my shoulders bc I didn't really want help.

By the end of the class I was getting ready to walk out, the teacher stopped me and Beyoncé.

"Onika I realized you were struggling a bit on the assignment I assigned today, and I would love to get you some extra help so you won't fail the class" the teacher said

I nodded not really caring but also was confused on why Beyoncé had to hear this too.

"I'm sorry but where is this going?" I said not knowing what was coming next.

"Well Beyoncé is my top student and I would like for her to tutor you and help you pass this class" the teacher said. My eyes widened

Great just fucking great! I have to deal with her even more now. Ughhhhhhh!

Beyoncé smiled like a child on Christmas Day when she heard that sentence.

"I- okay" I said not knowing what to say after that.

The teacher dismissed us and I walked out and started walking to my last class until Beyoncé stopped me.

I turned around and almost rolled my eyes but I stopped myself.

"I know you don't wanna be bothered with me right now and I'm sorry for that but if you don't mind can I have your number so I can tutor you?" Beyoncé said. Before I got to answer she started off again "also if you don't mind, do you wanna come over to my house so I can help you" Beyoncé said kind of shyly

"Whatever Beyoncé" I said pulling out my phone and giving it to her.

She gave me her phone and I put my contact name as Nicki. I gave het phone back and I saw the contact name she had for herself Daddybey😍😩💦🌊

"Beyoncé what the fuck" I said looking at the contact name.

She started laughing "relax baby I'm just having a little fun" she said still laughing.

"Ok Beyoncé whatever" I said trying not to roll my eyes.

Once my last class was over I didn't see Beyoncé so I was kinda happy until I got a text from her.

Daddybey😍😩💦🌊: hey baby I'm finna send you the directions to my house.

Nicki.: ok.

I replied back not really caring.

A few minutes later she sent her directions and my eyes widened.




What y'all think gonna happen next???




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