Part 12

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I've been trying to avoid Beyoncé all day, why? Because ever since we got to school she's been really clingy and touchy. Not that I don't like it but she's been really clingy and I don't know what's wrong with her.

Everytime I see Beyoncé in the halls I turn the other way and just take a long way to class, I really don't care if I'm late or not. No I didn't forget me and Beyoncé has every class together so don't go saying if I forgot 🙄

I saw Beyoncé on my way to algebra and I tried avoiding her and going the other way but she caught up to me and grabbed my arm then pulled me into the bathroom.

"Beyoncé we're gonna be late fo-" she cut me off by wrapping her hand around my neck and gave me little to no room for air

"Look I don't know what's gotten into you but whatever it is has to stop. You've been avoiding me all damn day onika and you know I hate being  ignored don't you?" Beyoncé said dominantly

I know she mad right now but oh my god she is so fucking sexy. Now I need/want to get fucked in this bathroom.

I nodded my head and she shook her head "nope I want a verbal answer onika" Beyoncé said

Do I really have to say it? Ugh fine

"Yes daddy" I nearly gagged saying that. It's just something about that word that I don't like saying it.

"Well if you know I hate being ignored why do you chose to do it anyways? Hm?" Beyoncé asked me.

Well I chose to do it because if I'm around you then we might end up fucking in class and I don't think I wanna get suspended juuuust yet

"I don't know" I said not really wanting to say the real reason.

"Well since you don't know, I'll make you know after school. Meet me at my house right after school. Got it?" Beyoncé asked with dominance laced in her voice.

"Yes daddy" I said.

SHIT I SAID IT AGAIN- I shouldn't even be worried about that right now I'm in big trouble and I should be scared right now.

Beyoncé nodded and took her hand off my neck. "Now let's go to class" Beyoncé said.

We walked out of the bathroom and headed to algebra.
~after school~

Well.. I guess I better start praying-

"My house now." Beyoncé demanded

"Okay" I said getting in my car getting ready to trail Beyoncé.

Once we got to her house I started shaking because I didn't know what's coming next-

We got out of our cars and we started walking up to the front door.

"When we get in this house I want you on my bed naked. Understand?" Beyoncé asked dominantly.

"Yes daddy I understand" I told her.

I just can't stop saying it now..

We got in the house and I immediately went upstairs to Beyoncé's room and started stripping just so I won't be in even more trouble.

I kneeled on all fours assuming that was the position Beyoncé might've wanted me in. I've read books trust me.

"You better be naked and on...." She said walking in the room. She cut herself off seeing that I was in the position she wanted me to be in

"How did you know I wanted you on all fours..?" She asked with shock laced in her voice.

"I thought it was the regular position for punishment I read books." I told her truthfully

"Well.. okay then. I'll ease up on punishment then. It won't be as hard for you now" Beyoncé said


"Now shall we get started? I think so" Beyoncé said with a hard slap to my ass.

Beyoncé walked into her closet and I started hearing rustling coming from in there. "Where is it" I heard Beyoncé say from in the closet. I'm guessing she found what she was looking for "oh here it is" Beyoncé said.

"I hope you're ready" was all Beyoncé said

~No ones POV~

Beyoncé put the harness around her waist and adjusted it.

Beyoncé lined the 10 inch fake dick up with Onikas entrance an stuck the tip of the toy into onika. "Sssssss fuck!!" Onika said. Beyoncé slipped the rest of the toy into onika "Damn Beyoncé how long is mmmm how long is that shit mmm FUCK" Onika moaned out. "Don't worry about that princess. Worry about how you're gonna be begging to cum soon" Beyoncé said to the shorter girl. Beyoncé started her strokes slow and gentle since Onika was still a virgin to dick. "Mmm shit harder" Onika moaned out. "If you say so" Beyoncé said above a whisper. Beyoncé rammed into onika with deep and hard strokes, she then removed one of her hands to place it on Onika's heated core. Beyoncé used the pad of her thumb and rubbed Onika's clit in fast circles. Onika was a moaning mess.

"Mmm fuck I'm about to cum Beyoncé" Onika said to Beyoncé. Beyoncé shook her head "nope hold that shit. This is your punishment Princess" Beyoncé said in a deep husky tone. Beyoncé kept giving onika deep and hard strokes, and onika was loving every bit of it. The force of the plastic toy was hitting Beyoncé's core which was making her about to reach her climax also. "Shit" Beyoncé quietly groaned out from the pressure on her core. "Cum with me princess. Make a mess for daddy" Beyoncé said in onika's ear with a deep voice, and that did it for onika, she was cumming all over the plastic toy. Her cum was shooting out like a rocket. Onika felt like she was in the clouds. She felt like the luckiest person alive right now. Beyoncé took the harness off and put it in Onika's face. "Clean it" Beyoncé said with dominance lacing in her voice. Onika took the toy and started to suck it clean, as if Beyoncé that was turning her on to the max which made her start rubbing her own clit in fast circles making her moan loudly.

Onika sat the toy down and scooted over to Beyoncé. "Let me help you daddy lay back and let me please you" Onika said innocently. Beyoncé layed back and Onika inverted two fingers inside of Beyoncé and thrusted her fingers with deep strokes. Beyoncé was now a moaning mess and squirming. Onika put her hand on Beyoncé's pelvis to hold her still. "Stop moving baby" Onika said reaching up to give Beyoncé a sloppy kiss on her jawline. "Shit nika I'm about to cum!" Beyoncé moaned out. Beyoncé's moans soon became an octave higher which meant she was at her peak. "Cum for me daddy" Onika said rubbing the taller girls clit in fast circles. Once Onika said that it was like waterfalls coming out of Beyoncé. Beyoncé's legs where shaking rapidly as she came down from her high. Onika went down on Beyoncé to clean her up which made Beyoncé cum again.

Beyoncé pulled Onika up to her, so now Onika was hovering over Beyoncé. Beyoncé pecked Onika's lips 3 times before she pulled away. "Damn girl where you learn how to do all of that" Beyoncé said with shock laced in her voice. "I guess you can say I'm more of a visual learner" Onika said with a toothy grin on her face. Beyoncé pecked Onika's lips one more time before she bothe put them under the covers and drifted off to sleep.

I know this part was hella short again but this the best I can do at 12am 😭

I'm gonna continue this part tomorrow in another chapter.

K now I can go to sleep😭 goodnight🚪🚶🏾‍♀️

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