Part 11

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Onika and I fell back asleep for about two hours, I decided to let her rest a little bit more since her body was still sore from last night. I gotta say I did some work on her last night but that was just the beginning since we're only in the beginning stages of our relationship. She will most definitely be experiencing more of that plus more further into our relationship. I don't want our relationship just to be about sex but more of bonding with each other and communicating with each other. I want onika to know that I'm here for her and she can talk to me about ANYTHING and when I say anything I mean it. I want her to know that I can be more than her girlfriend (and possible wife in the future) Ok let me stop playing. But I mean it. Onika means the absolute world to me, even tho we literally just met, I still love her to death.

"Baby? Are you okay?" Onika said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"You had me worried for a second, you looked out of it" She said with worry in her tone

"Yes baby I'm okay. I'm sorry if I scared you" I reassured her and kissed her forehead

"Oh okay good" She said smiling with a sigh of relief.

"Princess do you want to do anything today or just chill today?" I asked her.

"Umm I think I just wanna chill today I don't feel like going anywhere" She told me, i nodded and proceeded to turn on the tv in my room.

I got up to get some clothes for Onika just incase she wanted to take a shower here. I walked to the bathroom to grab an extra toothbrush for her also. I went back to the bed and sat down. "Baby I'm gonna take a shower" Onika told me. I'm not even gonna lie I wanted to get in the shower with her but like I said earlier our relationship is not just about sex. "Okay princess" I told Onika. She started walking to the bathroom until she stopped. "You okay?" I looked over at her. She nodded and it looked like she had to ask me a question. "Princess what's wrong?" I asked her. "Oh yea sorry I'm okay I just wanted to know if...." She trailed off. "If whattt?" I asked her because I was genuinely confused. "Ifyoucouldtakeashowerwithme" she said really fast, I laughed at the way she was nervous. She started to pout so I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist "of course princess I will. She started smiling really big which made me smile with my dimples.


Oh my goodness I was so scared to ask Beyoncé if she could take a shower with me. I didn't want her in here with me so we can have sex I wanted her in here with me so I can feel safe.

I guess y'all are confused right now so I'll go ahead and tell y'all what happened

Basically when I was 15 I was in the shower one night and my aunt and cousins were over and one  of my cousins molested me while I was in the shower. He came into the bathroom and he opened the shower curtain and stared at me for a very long time. I asked him what was he doing while trying to cover myself. He told me I looked good and he called me baby and I was weirded out and scared. And he started to reach for my ass and I tried to move back as much as I can and he started touching me everywhere and then he kissed me. Tongue kissed me if I should add. I pushed him off of me and started sobbing. After like two minutes my mom came and checked on me. She ran in the bathroom and saw my cousin and she cussed him out and called the cops on him. She then just held me really really tight while I cried on her shirt.

"Princess what's wrong?" Beyoncé wiped the tear that I didn't knew fell.

"Oh nothing I was just thinking about something" I tried to play it off, she didn't believe me tho.

"Onika you know you can talk to me about anything and I mean it" Beyoncé told me which just made me feel even more safe around her.

"I'm just not ready to talk about it that's all" I said because I really wasn't ready to talk about it.

"Okay just let me know when you're ready. I'll be right here by your side listening" Beyoncé said while smiling which made me smile and show my dimples.

We got in the shower and Bey started to wash me up since I was still a little sore from last night

We got out of the shower before Beyoncé tried to start some dumb shit

"Beyoncé we just got out the damn shower get off me" I tried pushing her off of me since she was holding my waist and kissing my neck

Dont get Onika Tanya Maraj wrong. I loved when she did that but not right now

"Pleasee just one round?" Beyoncé asked me begging.

"No Beyoncé not right now" I told her. Right now she was irritating me and I wasn't having it

"So when then...?" She asked.

Wishing she would shut the hell up right now

"BEYONCÉ I DONT KNOW JUST GIVE ME TIME DAMN" I yelled at her while going to lay down. I had a major headache and I really didn't want to be bothered right now.

"Oop" Beyoncé said before walking out of the room and closing the door behind her

                          ~2 hours later~

I woke up because of loud ass music blasting from downstairs. I came out of the room and started heading downstairs to the kitchen.
And that's when I saw a moment in history..


"HANDS ON MY KNEES SHAKING ASS ON MY THOT SHIT HANDS ON MY KNEES SHAK...." Once she saw me she rushed and turned the music down and stood against the counter.

"Heeeeey baaaaaaabe" she said while picking up her bowl of grapes

I had this gigantic smile on my face because I never seen this side of Beyoncé before.

"Hi Beyoncé" I said laughing while walking to the couch

"You didn't see none of that did you...?" She said nervously

"I saw all of it" I said with a very wide smile

"Oh.." Beyoncé said while coming to sit next to me on the couch

"Well... disregard what you just saw and watch movies with me" Beyoncé said facing towards me

"Okay what movie?" I said laying my head on her lap

"Ummm we can watch Home Alone" Beyoncé said.

"Sounds good to me." I said.

Beyoncé wrapped a blanket around my legs since I had shorts on and it was pretty cold in here. She turned on the movie and we just relaxed for the whole day.

My gc told be they didn't like my outros💀 so I'm not doing one—

K bye

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