1-Falling Star

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In a beautiful and vast world accented by long mountain ranges, deep valleys, and magnificent cities, a man, in a black and gold Japanese-style outfit, falls from the sky. The back of his outfit features a gold dragon outlined in white. His dark hair dances wildly as he falls back first, his eyes closed and his arms crossed.

"I can't say I enjoyed my world.. It was almost painfully boring how I had bested competitor after competitor." He glances down at the ground, still so far away. His expression quickly turns to a mixture of fear and sadness. "But I didn't think it would end like this!!!" He exclaims. 

'I was the world martial art champion, developer of the Dragon Fighting Style. Sure.. at first, they all laughed at me.. Until I kicked them into the dirt!! How did I get here?! I can not remember what I was doing!!! Was.. I sleeping? Did someone finally beat me so hard that I blacked out?! Was I in an accident?!! DID I DIE?!!!' He thinks to himself. 'This is like some kind of bad.. "other world anime"! Normally someone would be summoned.. even reincarnated.. but I am falling from the FREAKING sky!!! This makes no sense! Is this what they call "Isekai"?!'

With a loud scream, the man closes the distance on the ground, falling into a large town. Suddenly, he stops mere feet from the ground before gently floating the rest of the way down.

The man stares up at the partially cloudy sky just as a large object, high up, passes in front of the sun casting its shadow briefly upon him. "What.. the hell?! I thought I was dead for sure!" He sits up and looks around, finding himself in an alleyway.

He sits there for a moment, overshadowed by buildings on three sides. He turns to see people, seemingly unaware of his presence, passing on a street behind him. He stares for a moment, realizing quickly that some of them have ears, patches of fur, and tails like animals. Others have more distinct facial features and fur like their animal counterparts, so much so that it is almost disturbing. 

"I really am in a different world, aren't I?!" He says to himself, slowly emerging from the ally.

No one seems surprised to see him as they continue to go about their own business. He takes note of the passing individuals: humans, various animal people, and some almost devilish-looking humanoids.

'There is a lot of variety here.. It would seem there is no issue with humans and "demi-humans" living together.' He thinks to himself as a couple, a human male and cat-like female, holding hands passes by him. 'Interracial couples seem to be a thing too.' He follows the crowd, noting individuals, clad in armor, standing in random locations. 'They must be the guards for this town.. That means there is some form of government here. I wonder if it is a royalty-based system.' 

He follows the modest crowd into a street market. Listening to the vendors speak to the locals, he discovers that he can understand them. However, he is unable to read the market signs. Continuing through, he notices various weapons, jewelry, clothing, meats, vegetables, and fruits on display. 

'These weapons seem almost medieval, swords, bows, maces, etc. Not that I really need to worry about that. I would like to find some comfortable armor if I am going to be here awhile.' He thinks to himself. 'I need some money before I can accomplish that. Bounty hunting would be a good fit for me! I should ask one of these guards where I can find the wanted posters or job listings.'

He starts towards one of the friendlier-looking guards when a fox woman, with very distinct facial features, bumps into him. The woman seems almost dazed as she begins to fall but grabs for the man's clothes.

"I beg your pardon!" He says nervously as he grabs her arm to keep her from falling. Her appearance makes him warry as he expects her to act like a wild animal. "Are you okay?!" 

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