Mystery of Laughing Diamond part-1

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Hello everyone,
Here I am back with dork.

Sorry I was busy writing my other stories.
I  lost hope for this story because I didn't got much views for this book. But  someone read my book. The person said that this book have a potential.

So, I started writing it again.

This chapter is dedicated to

So, let's start

Character of these chapter  part 1 part 2 part 3 and part 4

Mc Kelly

Prince Hamilton Machuvuets

Prince Hamilton's wife 
Verolina Crister Machuvuets

Arthur Bellings

Doris Pale


Dork's POV

It's been a six months Mr Bregs had appointed me as a detective. Well no one knows my name or face. So, to say bit good thing is  to say the least.

Why I said so? Because there are many times when people didn't thought who is dork and that helped a lot.

Like a particular case

Laughter Diamond

(Now the POV will focus on Dork's first work as a detective)

Dork's POV

It's been a month I am detective now. But , I am not getting any case that's truly great to solve.

I was sitting in the shop and wondering about so when prince
Hamilton arrived.

He was wearing a blue royal shirt with black silk pants.

I asked him " How I can help you?"

He said with a deep voice which seems his natural voice" Well! I came to meet Dork. Does he work here?"

I answered " Well I am Dork, how may I help you?" I was happy inside because prince had came to visit me, but I didn't show it.

He replied " Well, detective Dork , Mr Bregs had send me to meet with you. He said that you are the most special detective he had seen. And, I believe you are  only one who can solve my case."

Prince sounded stressed and nervous.

I guess it's more serious than it looks.

I asked him" So, sir how can I help you because as you had reached me I would think its really serious for prince to get worried"

" Yes it is" He replied instantly.

I said " Sir so, let's start with what happened"

I saw Terr, I asked him to keep showing other customers their necessities.

I went to backroom with prince

Once we settled  on backroom couch
Prince Hamilton sighed started proceedings to say what happened " Dork actually 4 weeks ago I brought a diamond for my wife Verolina's birthday gift. She really likes diamond.  When I gave her the gift she was extremely happy but something that disturbed the peace was that diamond. At night one day Verolina started shouting, when I asked her she said it was like someone laughing. I thought she had mistaken it. As it sometimes happen in sleep.

But that day it was daylight when she started saying the same thing she said that she heard like it was coming from the diamond.

I was now concerned about it. One day I observed the diamond. It's was all okay till midnight , when the clock struck 12:30 the room was ringing  with series of hysterical laughters.  The laughter was coming from the diamond. I  took it to many other people but no of them can solve this.
I tried to sell it but none of them are buying it because people believe it's a cursed diamond. My wife somewhere read that when witch's madien curse anything laughter Diamond resides in it. But I  don't think  that's it . I think it's more greater  than these trival things. So, Dork I want to do something. I can't sleep at night. Those laughters are giving me nightmares."

I replied " Sir, I understood everything you said and I am willing to help you but before that I need to talk to your wife. So, that I can understand what she says. I hope you consider that"

Prince Hamilton replied " Well, that's not a problem."

Let's see what Princess Verolina says.


Author here, sorry for the short chapter but I want to give time for this story and not to rush things.

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