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Samael picked up his broken body, searching through the dust and heaviness in the air for the traitor. His once newly crafted breastplate, a perfect shining example of Angel craftsmanship, was now dull, dinted and hanging off his body. It had already saved his life twice today and on numerous occasions before. He had not wanted to wear it, but his friend had been committed.

"It is a gift from our Lord's armoury; you must wear it, even if just as a precaution," insisted Raphael. "You never know in these dark times, my friend."

Samael had laughed and donned the equipment only to keep him appeased. Days later, not a minute passes when Samael prays for thanks to Raphael for his holy gift.

The air cleared a little and the shadows lengthened in the ruins of his sister's palace. It seemed Belial was reluctant to face him, so Samael took a moment to collect his thoughts and give a silent prayer for salvation and insight. It was difficult; his mind would stray to the location of his sister.

Samael looked up at the once beautiful sky, now covered in a dark charcoal haze, thick and heavy with the poisonous gasses that had gradually destroyed his sister's kingdom. Its vile hands pressed and clawed at everything pure and Holy, corrupting and eating away until it was no more.

His sister, Lady Camael, had taken the brunt of Lucifer's attack and evil designs, and even now, his stench remained long after he had gone. Samael stumbled over a fallen pillar, and another quake vibrated through the realm as the kingdom died. He only managed to catch his balance by using his sword as a crutch, pausing to regain his breath and wait for the quake to pass.

He glanced at the devastation around him and recognised the shattered throne, cleaved in half by some sharp object, its ornate engravings in pieces. He reached out to touch the stone, if only in memory of his sister, but he pulled away, fearing the corruption on his skin.

"Belial!" Samael screamed again, his rage building up within him like a fever.

What has he done with her? Where are you, sister?

"You must repent!" he screamed into the darkness. "Face me, you coward!"

He felt the evil before he caught the movement out of the corner of his eye, allowing him a moment to react and block the strike of Belial's blade away from his neck. However, the sword glanced into his exposed shoulder. Samael hissed in pain but finished his swing and buried his sword deep into the traitor's side. Belial screamed in agony and staggered away, falling to his knees.

"The light will always prevail against the dark...repent, fool!" He demanded, standing over his enemy.

"No! Never!" shouted Belial, lunging clumsily at Samael, who quickly blocked the sword attack, knocking the traitor's blade to the stone floor and placing his own neatly under his raised chin.

"I suggest you don't move," he said, his voice breaking from emotions as he looked deep into his enemy's eyes. They were not the eyes of his old friend; they had significantly changed from the corruption. Belial's eyes were now as black as the ink sky above; it was too late for him. Tears flowed freely down Samael's face for Belial's lost soul.

"Where is my sister? What have you done with her?" he pleaded, placing his other hand on the sword's handle to keep it steady, ignoring the violent trembling within his body as the poison burned through his veins.

Belial spat in Samael's face and smiled, revealing a mouth full of ivory nails.

"I can see it, feel it, brother; it flows even now in your veins. Give in to it; don't fight what you are," said Belial

"Silence! You fiend, I am not like you!" Samael hissed, nicking the traitor's chin with his blade. "I will not listen to your lies!"

"Have they told you nothing, Samael? Do they even keep the truth from you? God's very own blade?"

"I know enough, enough not to listen to the damned," replied Samael, wiping his eyes on his sleeve.

Belial's eyes widened as he grinned.

"Do you know your sister had foreseen the uprising and the darkness descending on her Kingdom?" asked Belial.

Samael opened his mouth to respond but snapped his jaw shut as the pain increased and burned, as the corruption crawled under his skin. Belial chuckled and gently pushed Samael's blade away with his hand, standing up, his shadow towering over him like the rising storm clouds above.

"They refused to listen, believing nothing could destroy their beloved Heaven!" He laughed, his voice booming in the eerie silence.

"So the forsaken became the first to fall! " Belial pointed towards the Earth realm below the clouds, his voice becoming more robust with each word.

"You lie!" snapped Samael, using his sword as a crutch again as another tremor attempted to overpower his body, and the poison began eating away at his mind.

"Do I? He promised us eternal bliss while plotting behind our backs...demanding us...his firstborn, to bow our heads and serve the clay men below." He laughed a sharp, rough sound. "To serve his only Son...Betrayal is what it is, and you command me to repent?" Belial's words echoed in Samael's mind.

It is all lies; my Lord gives me strength.

"You pushed your sister over the edge, you and the Sons of the Light...Where were you when she needed you? Where were you when her Legions turned on her? Where was her loving brother when she clawed at this very floor, begging for mercy."

Samuel's face crumpled in agony at his guilt as his betrayal rose to the surface.

"You failed her, and now she suffers eternally because her brother loved his duty and responsibilities more than her!" He laughed and slid a silver necklace down Samael's blade to rest over his hands. It was his sister's necklace, the sign of Camael, the magenta crystal of love. His hands shook violently, and he could not believe what he saw.

It cannot be accurate. He lies... No...what have I done...

Within in his armour, nestled under his clothes, hanging from its chain, burned his crystal, the sister stone to the one in his hands. Even now, he could feel the rhythmic throbbing as both jewels longed to be together, forever craving to reunite. It was how Samael always knew his sister's location, a beacon of hope, of life.

How I was fooled, I am a fool...

Both Star crystals were cut from the same rock and crafted together by his own hands and his sister's love, always to be worn, never to be taken off, as was their devotion, never to falter...until now.

Samael staggered from an unseen blow to his mind, falling to his knees as his strength finally wavered.

Belial grinned, pulling Samael's blade from his grasp, too weak to clasp the handle. Not that he noticed; he had his torment to struggle with, and all he could see was the magenta stone hanging from his hands, swaying and sparkling in the mixed lighting of the decayed Heavens.

"No, no, noooooo," he moaned, closing his eyes, giving in to his grief and losing all resolve to fight on. He had only one salvation, and that was prayer.

Belial became silent as he watched and waited, slowly circling Samael's kneeling form, rocking back and forth with his sister's necklace hidden in his hands.

His eyes clenched tight; Samael felt Belial's rough hands brush along his shoulders and rest under his chin.

"He will not listen...she is gone...he helped her fall, Samael, he is to blame, keeping you away from her side...join us...fight for revenge, fight for us, help us make the universe see the truth!" Belial squeezed Samael's chin, pulling his face upwards.

"Look at me...damn you! Look at me!" he ordered.

Samael opened his eyes, and the tremors and pain stopped instantly as he finally let go of his blind faith, sacrificed to his fury, and let the corruption in.

Belial grinned. "Ah, your eyes, I see you have made your choice, my friend..."

Belial's laughter echoed throughout the kingdom.

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