Chapter 1

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A new season—Archangel Michael's spiritual season—autumn fell early on the county of Cumbria, England, signifying a beginning to some and an ending to others. To the few who knew, it was the beginning of a new age, the age of the fallen.

The wind had changed direction, carrying a biting chill from the nearby mountains and a dark warning. It blew across lakes and fields, through towns and villages, screaming to the world of a gathering storm, pleading to those who could read the signs to flee for the safety of their homes, to lock their doors, and to wait for sunrise.

The forest of Grasmere knew first-hand what was amiss before the voice of the wind carried its message to them. Those who didn't flee in terror stayed silent and dared not breathe.

Within the darkness of the forest's undergrowth, a solitary figure leaned casually under the eaves of a great oak tree, staring back upon an open field that led to a large Manor House.

Rose brushed a hand across her tired eyes and refocused on the House of Gabriel, hoping for one last glimpse of Ashley. To see him with her own eyes, to know he was okay.

The limited information she could gather from her spies in the house had been unhelpful. Everyone was idle, chatting about employing new staff and workers to rebuild the damaged buildings. Father David had shut down all standard lines of communication and moved to subterfuge, blinding her to all the happenings in the house, including Ashley.

I need to see him once, just once...

Unintentionally, Rose pulled her holy aura in; her anger was the trigger, and the warm inner fire was burning. The holy aura is meant to calm and revive, but Rose still lets her core emotions overwhelm her. The rage and frustration spilt over, and she lashed out, punching the oak tree. The impact shattered the trunk, the thick ribbed bark busting like puss from an infected wound.

The cracking thud echoed like thunder through the forest. Birds burst up from the trees and cried, taking flight into the canopies, fleeing to safety.

Fuck...well done, you idiot Rose!

She dropped to a crouch, hid behind some smaller bushes, and peered through the gaps, biting her bottom lip in embarrassment. How did she, the Great Horde's best seeker and now redeemed Raphael lead scout, do something so stupid, childish, and unprofessional?

See what you do to me, Ashley...

After a minute or so and with a massive sigh of relief, Rose finally relaxed and stared at the vast loom hulk of an oak tree.

"Sorry, my ancient friend, forgive me," she said delicately, feeling around the damaged part of the tree. The monstrosity appeared to rumble and loom over her as if in anger. However, Rose giggled at her foolishness and stared back one last time toward where Ashley most probably would be, still in the infirmary—trying to imagine that beautiful, strong face and deep, penetrating brown eyes. Her hand itched to ruffle his hair. She smirked at the memory.

Goodbye, my lover, until I meet again. Will I always be waiting, in this lifetime or the next?

We will see...

Only the soft ruffle of the undergrowth stirred, leaving only the memory of her presence.

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