5// besties and aussie

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Chapter Five: Besties & Aussie

"It's now officially midnight. And we arrived my dear." River says killing the engine.

I turn around looking out of the window and holy cow. I see a castle.

"Holy shit! This is your home??" I say screaming frantically jumping out of the car.

River chuckles and oh god it's so sexy. "Yes. Is there something wrong.. I thought you'd like it. Uh... It's okay if you don't I can sell this. We can get a new-"

I pull my hand over his mouth stopping him mid sentence.

"River are you crazy?? This is beautiful! And you wouldn't sell this mansion for me! Don't be stupid!" I say walking into the house.

"I would do anything for you." He mutters under his breath.

"What's that?" I ask looking back at him.

"What? Oh nothing. Come on! I'll show you around." He grabs the box and looks at me weirdly.

"This is all you've got? Where's the rest Anna?"

My face immediately flushed red. "Um..that's it."

"But I told you to pack everything you have dear."

My heart pounded faster. "I've got nothing. Don't you understand River? Everyone's not blessed as you! I don't have everything in the world. Not like you.."

He rushed over to me. "Anna? How could you say that? Are you okay? Let's get you inside. We'll talk about this first thing tomorrow."

"I have work in a few hours. My shift starts at 3 A.M."

River stops dead in his steps, "Oh, I forgot to tell you. I called my personal assistant. She got you a room ready in my house. And quit all your jobs for you. So you're free."

I stare at him wide eyed. Surprised to have some care for me. Someone like River. Still I need to process all of this.

I'm staying at a $20 mill dollar mansion. No more bar tendering and working shit paying jobs. And all with River.

I hope me and him last. I don't know what I'd do without him.


"Hmm?" He says fiddling with the keys to the door.

"Um..you got a room in your ouse ready for me?"

"Yes. Uh.. Is that okay?"

A tear slips from my eye. "Y-yes." I say swallowing the lump in my throat.

"Does anyone live here with you?"

"Ariana, my sister. She lives in the second part of the house. I also have a guard and a cook that work here. But I gave them off for the night."

We are now walking up the spiral staircase. There a second part to this hole shabang? Damn.

"Here is your room, beautiful." He says touching my chin with his index finger. Pulling a stray hair behind my ear.

"River." I choke out before crying.

"What? What's wrong? Tell me, baby. Don't keep it in. Talk to me." He says hugging the shit out of me. I love it.

"N-Nothing. It's j-just. N-No one c-cared for me for a l-long time." I say calming down. Or at least trying to calm down.

"I will. Always I promise babe." With that he take me to the bed. And pulls off my sweater. And crouches on his knees like prince charming and takes my shoes off. Lays me down, kisses my forehead and whispers, "Sweet dreams. I'm right down the hall if you need me. Goodnight baby."

I wake up at 6 A.M and thought for a second about my marvelous night with River.

The River James. The man I'm slowly falling for. My tummy rumbles as I'm thinking and I put on a over-sized tee and short-shorts and head down stairs.

As I'm walking I'm greeted by a beautiful brunette. Late teens, early 20s maybe? And her hair is ombré with a lighter brown/gold and it's gorgeous.

"Hi, you must be Ariana. Nice to meet you! I'm A-"

"Save it bitch. You're just another one of my brother toys and you're another one of his gold-digging whores who lets him." She says looking at me evil eyed.

"Hah! That's where you're wrong. Firstly, I don't give a rats ass about money. I just need it to survive. I get it. You love your brother and your hurt from whatever. And you're trying to protect him. Well reality check boo, I'm no gold-digging whore. The slut-iest thing I own is this." I say pointing at my over-sized tee. "So back off. And let me be. And for the record, I didn't sleep with River. Neither do I plan to."

She stares at me.

My heart is racing when I realized what I just said to River's sister.

She smiles and jumps giving me a bone crushing hug.

An applaud comes echoing the whole kitchen. River of course. He comes and gives me a hug, too. I'm confused.

"You. You are amazing Anna." He says.

"OMG! I cannot believe this. Girl! You just slayed me shitless! That was good. Really goood!! 2 claps for you beautiful." She says to me.

"Wait. What? I don't understand. I just.. And you..what??"

River smiles showing his straight beautiful teeth. "You stood up for yourself. My sister is so rude to everyone I bring home. But you, you're amazing and you didn't care that she was my sister. Usually everyone else want to worship her because She's Ariana James the world-wide supermodel."

"So Ariana.. Wait. I'm still confused. You basically test the girls he brings and they're usually too scared of you?"

She hands me a cup of coffee with the cutest mug saying 'I woke up like dis. FLAWLESS'

Ariana says, "Yes exactly. And since you were real. I like you. We're gonna go shopping. Get our nails did, hair did and be besties! Yayayay! Like sister!" She holds my hand and we squeal and just up and down together.

I laugh, "Your like the sister I never had Ari."

Ari giggles, "Ari?! Ari? You called me Ari! Yay! Sissy's forever!"

"Sissy's forever!" We squeal again.

"Girls! Girls! That's enough. Ariana go away. Don't you have to pack for Australia, you're leaving tonight! Go!"

Ari's eyes lit up. "OH EM GEE! Come with me Anna! We'll have a blast pleeeease?"

Awwh, shes so cute. "I'm sorry Ari I can't this time. Next time I promise babe!"

"You promise? Okay." She walks away.

"So..Anna are you ready? Long day ahead of us. And it starts with this..."

He comes closer and closer. I think he's going to kiss me when a familiar voice yells, "STOPPP!"

Two Updates? ONE NIGHT?

Wuut? I love yallls♥️.

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Btw: Ariana James is played by... ARIANA GRANDE DUHH.


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