7 \\ momma, where are you?

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Chapter Seven: Momma, where are you?

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"Welcome to New York!" Ari yells in my ears.

"Will you quit screaming! Jeez you're giving me a headache women!" She scowls at me then we burst in laughs together. It feels good to get a load off. And finally have a sister...a sister?

A sister.

. . . .

Ari's show was exhilarating.

She was beautiful. Dare I say breathtaking. She walked down that run way in New York's Fashion Week. And shined like a star. She made something very important of herself. All the small teen-aged girls wanting her autograph and screaming as she worked that runway. 

Apparently they have a whole week dedicated to fashion. What the actual fuck?

Unfortunately, the perfect weekend at my favorite place in the whole world has come to an and. We just got off the plane ride. I feel relaxed.

The ride back to the giant home of River's is quiet. A comfortable silence. Over the weekend River hasn't called or mentioned anything about me to Ari. I'm not surprised. Or disappointed. More so... Used to it. What ever I don't give two fucks. Okay... maybe I do. 

Ari and I are sitting in the back of the Uber. Silence fills the air making me more intimated as we reach the home.

She breaks the silence speaking up, "Oooow! I know that look girly! The foot shaking. Finger tapping. Wide eyes. You are nervous!" She says opening her bubbly personality. She's fun and oh, so gorgeous today.

Even coming off a plane with sweats on she still rockin' it. With her long lace cardigan, denim shorts, white tank and her long hair cascading down her back. Models...

I laugh nervously afraid to admit it. "Haha. What make you think that? I'm fine. Your brother and I? Pshhh. Nothing's going on. Just f-"

She puts her hand over my mouth restricting me to finish. "Eh. Eh eh! Nope! Admit it, you got the hots for my brother. As much as I hate to say it, you would be perfect for him after she di-"

"She? Who?"

Her eyes widen. Her hand now over her mouth. She better tell me.

"Uhm..nothing." The Uber pulls up and Ari begs to pay. It's not like I had that kind of money anyway. That Uber shit is really expensive.

We get our bags and I notice River's car outside and another unfamiliar one. Ari notices my confused looked and shrugs.

"I have never seen that car.."

I shake it off and move on. We walk into the house and unpack all the clothing Ari made me buy all these fancy clothes. She's the type who wheres heels to the mall. I'm type who doesn't give a shit and would wear flats.

By the time dinner rolls around I'm staving. Ari and I hung out all day doing girly things I never thought I'd do. We did our nails, watch The Foster sand fan-girl over the hot guys. Her fave is Brandon, ' omg he's so perf ' she says.

My tummy grumbles. "Ari! What are we gonna eat for lunch! I'm starving."

"Well, I don't know! I can't cook anything, you wanna order Jimmy Johns?"

"Jimmy Johns? I used to work there, gross." I scrunch up my nose.

She looks up from her giant t.v and shrugs, "You got a better idea?" She challenges.

"Actually, yes. I'm gonna cook. How does chicken and rice sound?" Mmm, that sounds good.

Her eye lite like the fourth of July indicating a yes. She starts squealing and I'm afraid to admit it, but so did I. Tee hee.

. . . . .

After our little moment, I walk down their grand staircase to the kitchen. It's swiftly clean and everything's shiny. No shocker their.

I look in the freezer and find four medium chicken breasts and lay them on the cutting board and hum to the music on Ari's iPod. Of course we listen to the same pop, favorites of America. Duuhh.

I start to work my magic in the kitchen luckily from my experiences of working at Jimmy Johns to Chipotle, I picked up a thing or two. Funny because who would've thought they'd come in handy one day.

I feel a pair of eyes on me while I'm grilling the chicken. I turn to see River and Zac.

River is smiling at me like there's no tomorrow. I can't even. Zac is starring at me. Not in a pleasant way. In a way where I'd want to pee myself.

Zac awkwardly walks away. Okay...? My attention is now on River. He's wearing a muscle tee showing off his arms. I think I'm drooling. I immediately feel insecure. I knew I shouldn't have worn these shorts and red tank.

I turn back and open the oven to take out the rice. And the chicken's fully cooked also. My work here is down. I sit on the island and start at my fingers. This red nail polish Ari put is looking fab.

I need to pee so I walk around the house in search of a potty room. As I'm entering someone quickly pulls me inside the bathroom their big hand over my mouth.


His shirt is off and his pants and boxer are lowered to his knees revealing his member. One hand around my mouth his body dangerously close to mine his member rubbing the front of my jean shorts. I think I'm gonna puke. He is fucking about to rape me. Oh. My. God. HE IS ABOUT TO FUCKING RAPE ME. I cannot breathe. His hand is removed from my mouth. Somebody help. Anyone. I'm yelling but the words don't seem to make it to my mouth. Why am I not struggling? Why am I just sitting here. The burning tears streaming down my face. My god. This is it. My life is ending. He will fuck me. Let me rephrase that. He will RAPE ME. I feel like an endangered animal. River, Ari where are you?

Where is my mom?

He removes my shorts and panties. I just heard my limbs break in tiny pieces.

He bends me over, slides his member in me. The only thought running through my mind is where is my mom? I'm crying as he repeatedly pushes in me filling me in all the wrong ways. Momma, where are you?

There's a larger mirror I'm forced to watch him and my own reflection.

Where are you momma?


- zahrala.

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