2.Doubling back

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"Y/n? Y/n, honey - please just wake up

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"Y/n? Y/n, honey - please just wake up." Steve begged, big hands clasped around her shoulders as y/n writhed and screamed; her legs were thrashing and her hands were shaking.

"Please, doll. It's not real, it's not-" y/n's gasping cut Bucky off as she sat up abruptly, lips trembling and eyes darting about furiously.

Bucky thought she'd be fine once she clocked him and Steve, but he couldn't have been more wrong.

The sight of the concerned super-soldiers had y/n trying to scramble back. She quickly hit the headboard, sheets pilling at her waist as the girl glanced around to see she was trapped. Her scared expression hurt both men.

"P-please! Please don't lock me up! Not again, not again - I can't do that again-" y/n's words tumbled over themselves, as if she was saying everything at once.

Steve and Bucky shared a look, before both of them held their hands up gently to show their girl that they meant no harm.

"Doll, you had a nightmare. No one is going to lock you up, ever. We've moved on and we aren't going to touch you until you feel comfortable," Bucky spoke softly, cerulean eyes gazing into y/n's, "alright?"

Bucky posed the question to make her feel less threatened, as if it were her decision. They watched as she took a few deep breaths, eyes less jittery. Finally, y/n eased forwards with controlled, purposeful movements until she was less than a foot from Bucky.

"I'm sorry." She hiccuped, falling into Bucky's arms with silent sobs.

"Shh, it's okay. You're okay." Bucky soothed, hands wrapped around her as he rubbed her back and held her head in comfort. "You were scared, you did nothing wrong."

Steve swallowed the lump in his throat thickly, eyes watering. Bucky jerked his head towards the door over y/n's head and Steve nodded in silent understanding.

When he returned, three cups of tea balanced between his hands, Steve paused at the sight of Bucky rocking y/n back and forth in his arms.

"You're fine, okay? We don't want to hurt you anymore." Bucky cooed, lips tight against y/n's ear. Steve cleared his throat and Bucky glanced up. Y/n winced.

"Don't come any closer," y/n croaked, not even looking at Steve, "please."

Steve sighed heavily, his shoulders dropping.

"Stevie, maybe you should go find Nat. I'm sure she'd be up for a sparring match." Bucky suggested lightly with a sad smile, eyes twinkling with apology under the soft lighting of the lamp occupying their bedside table.

Steve nodded, defeated. Y/n kept her head tucked into Bucky's chest.

"I love you." Steve whispered and Bucky's lips quirked into another smile.

"I love you too." Both men knew Steve was talking to y/n, but Bucky's response still caused Steve's posture to straighten a tad nonetheless.

It was a lot like the earlier weeks of y/n's recovery: unsatisfactory, unrewarding, unforgiving. But, Steve had persisted then and he planned to now.

"C'mon, Rogers. You're hitting like a girl." Nat quipped and Steve blew a strand of hair off his sticky forehead.

"Shove off, Romanoff. Stop talking and start sparring." Steve snapped, with more venom than he intended. Nat smirked before throwing a few punches that never landed.

Steve threw a kick that Nat took to the stomach, but was barely caught off guard before she swept Steve to the ground.

"Tell me what's wrong. Didn't you all just get engaged?" Nat pressed, straddling Steve's stomach as she wrestled his hands beside his head. Steve glared at her and debated spitting at his friend.

Good judgement and self preservation weighed out and Steve settled for using the strength in his thighs to flip them over, a forearm pressed to Nat's neck.

"Yeah, but the nightmares can be a bit of a set back." Steve huffed, using his knees to keep Nat's legs pinned down.

"Set back?"

"Let's just say I'm here because y/n didn't want me much closer than 10 feet." Steve dismissed as Nat tapped out. He rolled off her and made his way to get some water.

"Ouch. And Bucky?" Nat was quick to sidle up beside him.

"Cuddled up behind her like he's a goddamed coat of armour," Steve hissed, "from me."

Nat placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder as Steve's jaw clenched.

"I know it's infuriating, but she's healing. It's going to take time." Nat murmured and Steve nodded.

"I'm going to hit the showers." He announced before striding off.

"Steve! Rogers-" Nat called after him only to be cut off by the bang of the door slamming on Steve's way out. She let out a taut sigh from her nose before slinging her sweat towel over her shoulder and grabbing her water bottle.

It nearly broke Bucky's heart to see y/n's engagement ring by the sink in the bathroom, which was clouded with mist from her shower.

Bucky twisted the simple silver band around his own ring finger, a pang of guilt flushing through him.

He knew that when she was going through an episode it could still be hard for y/n to trust either of the super soldiers, but he couldn't help but feel bad that it was more often Steve she feared than him.

Bucky nearly jumped as the water abruptly stopped, the shower curtain ripped back as y/n stepped out and started patting herself dry with a towel.

Y/n took a shaky breath as she faced Bucky, sadness tugging her eyes down.

"I'm sorry." Was all she could croak out - voice rough like sandpaper. Bucky tried - and failed - to offer her a tired smile.

"It's not your fault."

"But I'm healed. I'm meant to be healed." Y/n sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose with disappointment in herself.

"It's a slow process. It can be hard at times, but you have to take it slow." Bucky explained calmly and y/n gave him a small, strained nod.

"I know." Her voice cracked so much she could barely be heard.

"Is it over now? Do you still feel...icky?" Bucky nearly whispered and y/n shook her head, putting up little protest when Bucky grabbed her hand and guided the girl into bed.

"No. I'm okay now. All I feel is guilt. I feel awful up that Steve was sent off - I just couldn't bare to be so...close to him. It was like him locking me up was only yesterday." Y/n admitted as Bucky helped her climb into bed.

The super soldier smiled and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"Give me a minute, doll. I'll be right back." And with that he disappeared back into the bathroom.

When he reappeared, the soft and melodic notes of Frank Sinatra floated about the room quietly. Bucky perched on the bed beside her before grabbing y/n's hand and uncurling her fingers to slide something over them.

Y/n smiled fondly at the silver ring around her finger and Bucky brought her hand to his lips to kiss it tenderly.

"He'll understand. He always does." Bucky assured and y/n shakily agreed.

"I know."

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