8. Down, Down, Down

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"So you're telling us that time travel is possible?" Y/n asked quizzically

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"So you're telling us that time travel is possible?" Y/n asked quizzically. Nat pulled a face.

"Well, we haven't quite worked out the ins and outs of it yet, but it's getting there." Nat explained.

"So you're giving us false hope?" Clint scoffed and Nat threw him a disapproving look.

"Just because you never had any hope in the first place doesn't mean what I'm telling you is a falsehood." Nat snapped and Clint held his hands up in mock surrender.

"So, where do we come in?" Y/n asked and Nat sighed.

"We need to take the stones from each timeline, then we can snap our own fingers to get everyone back." She said.

"And then...?"

"And then we take them back. Plain and simple." Nat stated.

"Plain and simple?" Clint raised a brow.

"I would never categorise time travel as 'plain and simple'." Y/n added and Nat scoffed.

"I don't see either of you coming up with a better plan."

Both Clint and y/n soaked up the silence as they thought about Nat's proposal.

"We're in."

Taking in a deep breath, y/n leant forwards and pressed start on the recording device.

She had figured it out all to quickly once her, Clint and Nat had been given their assignment for the mission.

They were going to Vormir to retrieve the soul stone.

When Thanos went, he took Gamora. When he returned, carrying an extra stone, Gamora wasn't seen again.

It was no coincidence.

So she thought it best to prepare. There was no way she was letting either of her fellow avengers die, so she'd thought to take a cautionary video.

In the most probable case of death.

A beep emitted from the small device, and the girl began to talk with tears in her eyes as she said goodbye.

Y/n had to hold back her scoff when she saw that her dad was also joining them.

If anyone was going to figure out time travel, it'd be him.

"You know your teams, you know your missions." Steve continued his speech, "get the stones. Get them back." Y/n couldn't help but admire her - whatever he was at this point - as he spoke, "one round-trip each. No mistakes..."

Y/n glanced around the circle, taking in what had become of the remaining avengers.

"No do-overs. Most of us are going somewhere we know. That doesn't mean we should know what to expect. Be careful, look out for each other..." y/n zoned out, instant guilt was crushing her every time she looked at Steve.

When they'd arrived at the compound, y/n had flung herself into his strong arms. A kiss had been shared, then they'd parted ways.

And then she'd avoided him.

And now, seeing him look so haggard with stress, she couldn't help but feel awful about what she hadn't told him.

It was the same story all over again.

"See you in a minute." Nat smirked at Steve.

In order to take the stone, you must lose that which you love. The words echoed about y/n's head, her hands buried in her hair as Nat and Clint argued.

"Well it can't be you, you have a family, Clint! You have kids!" Nat shouted, arms gesturing wildly. "What would Lila do? Or Cooper or Nathaniel!?"

Clint sighed, running a hand down his face.

"Tell them I'm sorry." Y/n mumbled, standing from where she was perched on a rock.

"What?" Both the Avengers' heads snapped to y/n as she took a deep breath. She backed up a few steps before glancing to her teammates one last time.

"Tell them I'm sorry, and that I love them." Y/n repeated, sadness and guilt shining her eyes over as she looked to Nat and Clint.

She took off into a sprint, legs pumping as fast as they could as she made to dive off the edge, eyes shut in fearful anticipation of a death that never came.

Y/n grunted as she was jerked back, a thin rope wrapped around her wrist causing the girl to collide with the cliff face, hard.

"You can't do this." Clint spat through gritted teeth, pulling y/n up by the rope until her hand was clasped tightly in his.

"You can't be angry with me." Y/n murmured, eyes soft as she looked up at Clint.

"I am angry, y/n! I'm angry because it should be me down there, not you!" Clint seethed, a bitter tear splashing to y/n's cheek as it left his eye.

His face was red with a mixture of horrid anger and despair. Y/n gave him a soft smile.

"Say goodbye for me, will you? There's a recording-"

"A recording? You really had this all figured out didn't you?" Clint couldn't help his dry laugh.

"It's in Tony's systems." Y/n finished quietly.

Y/n could feel his grip slipping as a nervous sweat coated Clint's palm, and suddenly their smiles were gone as Clint gave the girl a look of fear.

"Let me go." Y/n whispered, and Clint shook his head.

"No." He was firm in his choice, but his grip still slackened as she grew too heavy for him.

"Let me go, let me go, let me go." Y/n repeated over and over in a small voice that wobbled with her tears as she tried to pry his fingers from her own.

"Stop! Stop it, y/n, please!" Clint screamed, eyes wide as she smashed their joined hands into the cliff, his fingers instantly letting go of hers as they throbbed with pain.

"No, please don't leave us!" Nat's gargled scream was the last thing y/n heard as she attempted to dive over after the falling avenger, hoping to catch y/n before it was too late.

But Clint caught her, a hand secure around her ankle as they watched she fell, down, down, down.

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