9. Spectre

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Y/n took a gasping breath as she bolted upright, chest aching and bones cracking uncomfortably

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Y/n took a gasping breath as she bolted upright, chest aching and bones cracking uncomfortably.

Once she had caught her breath, y/n surveyed her surroundings, only to gasp at the sight she found.

It was herself. Herself, sprawled unnaturally and lifeless again the concrete, a sickening poll of crimson cradling her own head and matting into her hair. Her eyes were cold and open, void of...anything.

Tears threatened her eyes as y/n's mouth hung open, her hand raised to cover it as she bit back a scream.

A scream that no one would hear, even Nat and Clint still stood at the top of the cliff, shock paralysing them.

Her actions had been bold, quick. But they were necessary. Necessary to keep everyone alive.

Pulling herself up slowly, y/n groaned with pain and cracked her back sickeningly loud before she was on her feet.

She took one look up at the colossal cliff-face with tears on her eyes before she was staggering towards it, her shaking hands grasping weakly at the jagged rock.

It was an odd feeling, being dead.

There was an element of translucency to her skin that y/n didn't have before, much like the swishy sounds that substituted her once-klunky footsteps.

But, she kept climbing despite the odd feeling, despite the odd look of her once-familiar skin.

He was looking at her.

Well, not at her, but through her. His eyes were cast her way, full of the sorrow y/n would hope to see if she were actually there.

She shouldn't care.

She shouldn't care that he was holding the stones.

She shouldn't care that his fingers were pursed together ready to-

"Dad!" Y/n screamed, so goddamed loud her throat burned worse than if she'd swallowed a match. "No! Please!" She cried, voice shaking as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"And I am Iron man." Tony panted, a determined look on his face as Thanos gaped.

"And we're the Avengers." Y/n's heart clenched.



"We finish this together." Steve said firmly, hand resting solid on Tony's shoulder.

Y/n had barely noticed others doing the same, until Tony was giving Steve a curt nod and snapping his fingers.

Waves of energy flowed through the chains of people, power spread through all her allies as y/n watched on.

She didn't bother to hold back her smile when she saw Nat and Clint stood strongly amongst the crowd. And-

And Bucky was there.

Her Bucky, her soldier, her soldat. He was alive.

Alive and determined to bring down the Titan, along with the rest of the Avengers.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" A soft voice caught her attention, and y/n spared a glance to the side.

He was tall, taller than either of her super soldiers, with long, ebony hair and a lean body. His skin shared the same transparent quality as her own.

"Who're you?" Y/n asked and the man attempted a weak chuckle.

"His brother." The man replied, outstretching a long finger in Thor's direction. Y/n quirked a brow.

"Loki?" He nodded. "I assumed you dead." She finished.

"I am." He replied bluntly and y/n wanted to kick herself. "And so are you." He chuckled.

"I know, I just- I keep forgetting." She mumbled and he placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"Was it painful?" He pondered.

"Not in the way you'd expect." Y/n whispered back.

"Self sacrifice? Seems you and I are quite alike." He chuckled again, and y/n mustered a smile in his direction.


"Oh I choked to death. It was brutal." Loki stated and y/n snickered.

"I fell off a cliff for a fucking orange stone." Y/n recounted.

"Mine was blue." Loki added.


"The stone I died for. It was blue." He clarified. "Purple bastard still got it, of course."

Y/n huffed a laugh at his misfortune.

"Oh look, it's finished." Loki pointed out as Thanos began to flake, just as Bucky had all those years ago.

Y/n choked a sob at the sight before her.

"Are you alright?" Loki asked, removing his hand from her shoulder when y/n ran a few steps forwards before collapsing. An easy smile caught her lips.

Steve hand Bucky in his arms, the older man's legs wrapped around Steve's hips as they pecked each other's lips over and over.

"Where's y/n?" Bucky mumbled, and the girl raised a hand to her mouth to contain her sob.

"She's...she gone." Bucky's eyes grew wide, and he pushed Steve back.

"H-how could you let this happen?" He shouted, face quickly turning red. "How could you let her die?!" Bucky raged, slamming his gun into the floor as his knees gave out.

"Y/n, we should go." Loki bit back his own sob as he watched the girl he'd just met crumble before him; her love for the two super soldiers couldn't be more evident.

Shakily, the girl nodded before she accepted the hand he offered to help her stand.

Together, they walked away, with Loki's aimless and constant chatter attempting to clog her mind and wipe out what she just watched.

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