Some Dimentio HCs

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It's literally been years, and I honestly forgot I made this till now- XD

Decided to dump a few more fun headcanons here so I'm not blowing up my announcement tab with a super long strand. 😅

ANYWAY, I decided that I would write down some of my more recently developed HCs for characters while I still remember them.



Headcanon - Dimentio wasn't born with 2 different colored eyes.

I like to think that Dimentio had some sort of incident that made him lose his right eye.

Or, depending on the scenario, I like to think that Dimentio's left eye turned yellow because of the magic he learned!

And if I want to get really sneaky, sometimes I just like to imagine that Dimentio somehow looks like a completely normal dude below his mask 'n stuff.

Headcanon - While Dimentio was a mercenary, he actually played a part in the war O'Chunks was in.

Last I checked, O'Chunks' whole thing was that he was betrayed on the battlefield, and, honestly, I like to believe that Dim was either on the opposing side of that war and he made the dude betray 'em, or Dim was the one who straight up betrayed O'Chunks bc he was hired by the opposite side.

Headcanon - Dimentio functions completely differently (mentally) without his jester costume.

I personally like to think that Dim uses his costume as a way to kind of lose himself in the role, kinda like a methodist actor.

Like, take away Dim's mask + costume, and he's just left a stuttering mess who can hardly maintain eye contact, let alone perform in front of people.

So, I guess I'm saying that wearing the costume gives him more self-confidence, I suppose.

Headcanon - Dimentio has been admitted into an Insane Asylum at LEAST once.

Personally, I like to think that Dimentio was tossed into an Insane Asylum after slowly going mad when he learned how to use Floro Sprouts on people.

Obviously, he probably wouldn't have trouble escaping, but whether or not he's been captured and taken into an Asylum more than once is up in the air.

I like to think that Dim broke out of an Insane Asylum to go straight to Castle Bleck, only to be denied. Dimentio would've gotten re-admitted shortly after, but then Count Bleck came and broke him out after realizing he needed Dim on the team.

(Random/funny) Headcanon - Dimentio will steal outfits/uniforms from team members, wear them, and then pretend to be them.

Kinda following the whole "methodist actor" thing, I think Dim would totally steal people's costumes and act as if he's that person until he's forced to take the costume off. 😂

(Dimigi) Headcanon - Dimentio sometimes forgets that Luigi isn't "evil" anymore.

When Dimentio and Luigi hang out, sometimes Dimentio will make an off-comment like something along the lines of asking if he's stolen anything lately or any "evil" robots he's been working on.

It takes him a moment, but Dimentio usually realizes he said the wrong thing when Luigi looks at him either concerned or horrified. XD

(Limentio) Headcanon - Dimentio memorized an entire book about space just so he could talk to Mr.L about something.

Dimentio had no clue how to start a normal conversation with Mr.L, so when he saw Mr.L geeking out over space stuff, Dimentio stayed up all night reading about that topic just so he could attempt to start a conversation. 😂

That's most of my newer Dim Headcanons for now, so I'll leave it there. XD

I've also been thinking of continuing the Theories book, but that'll probably be for when I have a bit more time/an attention span-

I think whenever I get around to it, I'll do a chap of HCs for each character, but who knows? I'll most likely forget about this book again. -w-"

I hope you enjoyed tho! Thanks for reading, and feel free to use any of these if you'd like! Ciao~! :D

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