SPM Trauma HCs BC I'm ✨TIRED✨

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Here's the gist- I took a good hard look at the entirety of the Bleck Team (including Super Dimentio tho-) and realized that they gave me some REALLY messed up first impressions.

Or at least, these are the main ones-

So, now Imma share them with you so we can all suffer. :>

BUT! There shall be GOOD spins to these HCs included as well.  -w-

✨🎩 Count Bleck's TRAUMA-Induced Quirk(s) 🎩

(#1) Because of his father being so demeaning and unapproving of Blumiere from a relatively young age, Count Bleck often shies away from something whenever someone says that he shouldn't do it because of "_____".

For example, if Nastasia informs Bleck that he shouldn't do something because of his "status" or something like that, Bleck will not argue and just accept it as fact because he subconsciously fears his father berating him once again.

BUT, whenever Nastasia notices Bleck shy away from doing something simply because he was told "no", she will often reassure him that it doesn't matter if OTHERS tell him not to, and will often join him to show that he's allowed to do said-thing.

(This usually ends up being something along the lines of Bleck wanting to do a child-like activity that he never did as a kid bc of his dumb dad-)

(#2) Also, Count Bleck has attachment issues. Mostly because of what happened to Timpani, but also because of his horrible relationship with his dad as well.

Especially when Nastasia dedicated her life to Blu, he felt extremely guilty for her staying because he assumed that she would only get hurt because of this.

This also goes for his other minions, Mimi, O'Chunks, Dimentio, and Mr.L, whenever they claim their loyalty. That led Bleck to change his plans WITHOUT telling any of them, thinking that it would be better that way so he "wouldn't hurt them".

BUT, this also ends up as a double-edged sword bc that just makes him realize that he DOES care about others whenever he tries to push them away, which usually results in him actually pulling them closer instead. :>

✨🦇 Nastasia's TRAUMA-Induced Quirk 🦇

To put it simply, Nassy is a "people pleaser", and she feels like whenever she isn't pleasing those closest to her, she's completely useless.

This stems from when Blu supposedly rescued her. The whole thing made her feel helpless and useless, so she feels the need to prove that she's worth something and not a waste of space that Blu could've simply ignored and let her Game Over.

Because of this, Nastasia overworks herself often for the sake of pleasing everyone she can to prove that she's worth having around. This usually ends in her collapsing somewhere out of exhaustion onto the floor...

BUT, whenever this happens, Bleck and co. always find and tuck Nastasia into bed so she has a chance to rest when she's forced to actually sleep for once, and they always make sure that she has a "break day" afterward. ^u^

✨🥊 O'Chunks's TRAUMA-Induced Quirk 🥊 

With his prior experience in war and leading an army into destruction, he has a very hard time taking the lead on ANYTHING. He assumes that whenever he leads anyone into anything, it has no choice but to end in the worst possible scenario.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2023 ⏰

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