Some Angsty SPM HCs

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These are a few I have kept in the back of my brain that I don't say/use often bc I feel like they're a bit too "intense", but I guess this is the place to spill 'em. -3-"

So, forewarning, these will definitely be more "Mature" than all of the others. (Not super bad tho, promise-)

Enjoy! ^u^


Headcanon - Count Bleck looks a lot like Blumiere’s father, so he will occasionally snap out of his 3rd person out of fear of himself.

For some context, after adopting the Count Bleck persona, Blumiere still doesn't fully recognize himself and the man he's become. 😅

Usually, he'll just have random fits here and there where he catches himself doing/saying something his father would've and then has a tiny rage at his dad's influence on him.

However, it gets really nasty whenever Bleck is in Dimentio's Mirror Hall and he ends up smashing some mirrors bc he thinks he sees his dad-

Dim usually isn't happy after that. 😅

Headcanon - If given too many orders in a "military-like" fashion, O'Chunks will have a bad PTSD flashback.

It doesn't START as a bad thing when this happens (giving O'Chunks orders like that), but it escalates into it.

It'll start with O'Chunks acting more formal and "militarized", and he'll even have a somewhat normal speech pattern instead of slurring. Usually, he's a lot more productive during this part of the flashbacks.

However, after the euphoria of being a military leader again passes, he'll have a meltdown about his lost battle and then end up trying to drink away his feelings... -w-"

Headcanon - Mimi will instinctively go into "servant mode" when people she looks up to get extremely mad at her.

I imagine that because of Mimi's history, she either literally or figuratively has it programmed in her brain to take the blame for everything, frantically apologize, and then beg for them to forgive her if she ends up making someone that she looks up to upset.

Like, she wouldn't do it with Dimentio or O'Chunks bc she doesn't see them as more than just "sibling figures", but if Count Bleck starts yelling at her she will basically drop to her knees and cry-

Because of this, Count Bleck and Nastasia make sure to be more gentle when lecturing Mimi. ^w^

Headcanon - Mr.L actually remembered who Mario is post-hypnotization.

Unlike Luigi, who only looks up to Mario and sees the best in him, Mr.L's brain was specifically rewired to make him only see the worst of his brother instead.

Nastasia mostly hypnotized this into him because it would avoid the issue of Mr.L suddenly remembering something the second he saw Mario, but it ended up giving Mr.L a more "revenge-fueled" drive towards Mario because he only saw him as a family member who abandoned him to the bad guys.

Headcanon - Dimentio, at some point, was some kind of prostitute.

This one might sound obsurd, but hear me out before you kill me- 😅

Either before or after being a mercenary, your choice for that, Dimentio was no longer a court jester and he was left on the streets to figure out what to do to survive without any "royal protection" on account of his vague connection to the Tribe of Darkness.

Chances are, Dimentio took to some "unprofessional performing" and ended up with this title of a career, even if for a short while.

I only have the HC because:

1) I also usually HC that Dimentio has scars on his body that he covers, and this gives a few of these scars some emotional depth besides just the mercenary-inflicted scars.

2) (for Limentio) I like to use this HC as plot for why Dimentio is so reluctant to get into a relationship with anyone bc he's worried that he'll not only be betrayed like with Bleck, but he's worried he'll be used too...


Headcanon - The Bleck Team had such a "Family Dynamic" for so long that they can hardly function without each other post-SPM.

Whether this ends up with several of them living together or just constantly visiting each other and hanging out, the members of the former Bleck Team can't go long without either falling into the same routine from Castle Bleck, or just forgetting to do something basic like clean something because they completely relied on each other to do it. XD

In some timelines, I like to use this HC as a funny plot like: "The former Bleck Team is back together again to track down and find Dimentio, totally not because they miss him or something, it's just the right thing to do or whatever." 😂

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