Chapter One

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Okay this is my first Larry fanfic that I've written. I plan to make this into a couple of books instead of just this one, just btw. Thanks for reading though, I hope you enjoy!

I pull up behind a long line of cars that pours out of my grandparent's driveway. Their house brings back so many memories, especially with the Christmas lights hanging outside.

I get out of my car and begin to walk up their concrete path to their front door.
As I walk inside, I'm greeted by the familiar faces of my mom, aunts, uncles and cousins. Except for one. One rather handsome lad, about the same age as me. Who is sitting across the room from where I'm standing. Our eyes meet. Though, he quickly breaks the awkward starring by taking a sip out of his cup.

"Harry! You're here!" My mom comes to hug me and kisses my cheek.

"Merry Christmas, mum." I say to her with a smile on my face. Seeing her this happy makes me happy.

"Merry Christmas to you too." She says back.

"Mum, who is that?" I motion my head so she can see who I'm talking about.

"Louis? He's my cousin's child, so your third cousin. He doesn't come around too much."

I can feel my cheeks begin to turn a little red now knowing that he's my cousin. Well... third cousin. That's pretty distant. No. I cannot have a crush on my relative. I've known I was gay since middle school, I've just never felt this way about someone.

I make my way through the crowded house filled with my family over to Louis. He's so handsome sitting there, nicely dressed with his hair slicked back.

"Hello, I'm Harry." I greet him and reach out to shake his hand. I feel as though my hand could crush his dainty, soft hand.

"Hey, I'm Louis." His smile beams.

We talk for awhile. Usually talking about the family, considering that's the only thing we really know about each other by this point.

I keep forcing myself to run my hands through my curly hair to make sure it looks perfect. I tend to do that when I'm around someone who I think it attractive.
I can't help but stumble my words a few times as I get lost in his blue eyes, "H-hey do you mind if we exchange numbers?"

"That sounds great." He says.

I unlock my phone and hand it to him. He makes his way to my contacts app and enters the name "Louis Tomlinson". Yes, now I do remember that name. My mother has mentioned it a few times throughout the years.

"Here you go lad." He smirks and hands back my phone to me.


"If you'll excuse me I think my ride is leaving. But make sure to text me so I have your number saved."

"Yes, it was nice meeting you.. Louis." My stomach turns as I wish he didn't have to go.

He waves goodbye as he walks out the door and I force myself to stop starring. I remember to text him saying 'Hey it's Harry.'

As the night goes on I can't help but think about Louis.

It gets late and I'm honestly tired of talking with my family I say my goodbye's to everyone and leave.

The whole drive home, to my downtown apartment in London, my head was foggy with the thoughts of Louis Tomlinson. What the hell is wrong with me? He's my cousin. Well, third cousin. But he is family. I've had crushes before, even boyfriends. Just nothing compared to these feelings I'm having for Louis. How messed up is that?

As I get into my apartment, I undress until I'm just in my boxers and I get into bed. Kind of wishing Louis was here. I had just met him, yet somehow my whole body rushes with these feelings whenever I think of him.

I even drift to sleep thinking of Louis and how he made me laugh all night.
Sorry it may be a little long. I just want to start it off with somewhat of an introduction of how this story is going to be. Hope you enjoyed, please add to your library! ♡♡

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