Chapter Seven

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I wake up the next morning and check to see if Louis is still on the couch with me. Nope. He's gone.

I get up anyways. I grab the glasses we had last night from the coffee table and take them into the kitchen to put them in the dishwasher. I see a note on the pad of paper I always leave on the counter.

Thanks for last night. It was amazing. I have to go to my apartment to freshen up for my job but, I'll call you when I get off of work. Maybe you could stop by. I'm the supermarket to the right of the pizza parlor we went to last night. I get off at 2:00.

A little trip to see Louis at work would be nice. It's only 11:00 so I still have time.

I brush my teeth, comb my curly dark hair and put on some black skinny jeans, boots and top it off with a soft, black v-neck shirt. It's chilly outside so I slip a heavy coat on.

As I get to my car I nearly slip and fall from a patch of ice. There is about five inches of snow on the ground that is covering ice.

I drive carefully back to the pizza place that we had gone to last night. Just like Louis said, there is a supermarket right next door.

I walk into what's named "Fred's Market" and I'm greeted by a guy my age.

"Hello. Can I help you find anything?" He asks with a smile on his face.

"I was actually looking for Louis Tomlinson." I say.

"Yeah.. uhm. Have you not heard?" He says with a sad face.

What? Heard what? What happened?

"No.. I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Are you family?" He asks.

Now I'm getting nervous.

"We're cousins." I hate saying that fact of our relationship.

"Let me get my manager." He hurries further behind his desk until he reaches a door and goes into a room.

What? My stomach is turning. The sound in his voice tells me something is wrong. Something happened to Louis. Why isn't he here? I run my fingers through my hair.

"Hello. I'm Dan, the manager of the store. I heard you are Louis' cousin. What's your name?"

"Harry. What happened to Louis?" My voice cracks a little.

"Well, I'm sorry you have to find out this way. I'm sorry to say that on the way to work this morning Louis slid on the road and ran his car into a tree. He's at the hospital right down the road. We noticed when he hadn't shown up for nearly an hour. We got nervous and tried him a few times. His mother ended up calling in. Harry, I'm sorry. We don't know what state he's in." His voice trembled.

"No, no, no. No. I need to get there." My eyes fill with water. I push the door open and get into my car right away. I know the hospital. I speed out of the parking lot and head down the road. I shouldn't be speeding, especially since Louis got into an accident. I can't think of slowing down. It's as if my foot on the pedal is pushing all of my fear into going faster.

I skirt into the hospitals parking lot. Guessing that he's in the emergency room I walk into there.

I'm greeted by a lady at the front desk, "Do you need help?"

"I'm looking for Louis Tomlinson." I choke on my words.

"The guy in the accident?" I nod and she continues, "I checked him in. He has been moved into a room. He isn't ready for visitors."

"I don't care. Can I please have the room? I'm his cousin."

"Oh okay. Uhm, yes he's in room 268. You should see his.. or your family outside the room."

"Thanks." I say as I quickly make my way to the elevator.

I ride my way with three other people on the elevator. They're carrying ballons that say "Congrats on the baby girl."

I walk off and look at a sign that points me to the way of Louis' room. I take a deep breath and wipe the tears on my face. At this point I'm thinking it's the best situation it could be. Maybe a few broken bones.

I finally aproach his family.. or my family. This is so fucked up.

"Harry?" My mum's cousin says. She's also Louis' mum. Her name is Johannah.

"Yes, it's me." I make a smile. Her and my mum were pretty close when they were little.

"Not to be rude but, I didn't know you two were close." She's a mess. Her hair is crazy, her eyes are red and there is a few kleenexes in her hand.

"Yeah, after we meet on Christmas we really hit it off. We've been talking quite a bit." I sniffle.

"Oh. Well that's nice."

I smile and then walk to the door that is marked 268. I barely open it before Johannah says, "Harry, we can't go in."

"I want to be with him." My heart tears. I'm really not in the mood for this.

"Well.. so do I. So do we," She gestures to her and Louis' sisters, "I'm his mom. I need to go in first. Right now he's just not ready."

"Well fuck the doctor. I can go in and stand right next to him. It won't make a difference." I feel bad but I can't hold back.

"Excuse me Harry? He's not doing the best. Why do you even need to be in there so badly?" She has this hatred look for me on her face.

"You really want to know why?" I ask.

"Yes." Her eyebrow raises and another tear rolls down her cheek. I'm such an ass.

"Becau-se we-we.. we are dating. You're little Louis is gay.. and he's dating his third cousin. Fucked up right? Well.. I'll excuse myself from some homophobic ass family while I go see my boyfriend." I start to cry even harder. What did I just do?

"No you wait here Harry. Actually just go. Leave us alone. My Louis is not.. ga-... a homosexual." She can't even say gay. No wonder I've had to hide all of my relationships from my family.

"Take a look." I go to our messages on my phone and hand it to her.

A disgusted look comes over her face. She shoves my phone back at me and walks away. Her daughters follow her with all the same confused looks on their faces. You can hear them cry as they walk down the hall.

Amazing how she leaves while he's in the hospital just because he's gay.

I slide down the wall of the hospital hall and begin to bawl.

For maybe an hour I sit there in confusion. I sit there crying my eyes over the fact I just went off on Johannah and how Louis is going to hate me. I cry over the fact thay Louis is in the hospital. I cry over the fact that our relationship is so fucked up. I cry until the doctor comes out of Louis' room.

"Where did the family go?" He asks.

"They left. I'm his boyfriend. Can I please see him?" I ask.

"Yes. I guess I'll have to call his mom." He shakes my hand and says, "Anyway I'm Dr. Rink, you are?"


"Well I'll let you go see him. I'll be back later this evening. Nice to meet you."

I nod and walk past him into Louis' room.

I see him laying there with his eyes closed.

"Hey Lou.. it's Harry." I grab his hand.

No response.

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