𝖛. Crucifixtion

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chapter five

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chapter five.                 fjerda

 A horrified gasp tore from Aria's throat.

 Aria would have never guessed the naïve little girl from the Little Palace was still somewhere in her—but, as the sobs raked her body right below the pyres, three Grisha's burnt at the stakes—Aria became very aware the little girl was still there as she had come out wailing. Her hands shook so violently, a hand latched over her mouth. The others watched her in horror. Above her knealt position in the snow, Nina Zenik stood silently, eyes boring into the stakes. Aria's gloveless fingers bare into the burnt ground, gripping it tightly. The bodies were still blackened and burning.

 Aria was muttering something in Ravkan, something the others couldn't make out—but Nina knew it well.

Damn them. Damn them. Damn them.

 Wylan swore. "What is this?" he asked.

 Nina turned sharply. "This is what Fjerdans do to Grisha."

 As they spoke, Jesper moved towards Aria, wrapping his slender arms over her, bringing her to his chest, chin resting on top of her head. He held her as she rocked back and forth.

 "How could they?" Aria wailed in question. Jesper swallowed hard, holding her tighter.

 "It's what criminals do, the pyres have been illegal since—"

 Nina was quick to cut Matthias off, shoving him forcefully backwards. "Don't you dare!" Nina roared. "Tell me the last someone was prosecuted for putting a Grisha to the flames? Do you even call it murder when you put down dogs?"


 "Do you have a different name for killing when you wear a uniform to do it?" Nina questioned, eyes wild.

 Then, a creaking moan came. Aria looked up, her deep brown eyes red with tears, bloodshot. Her mouth opened in horror—her hand went back over her mouth to conceal her own sobs.

 "Saints, one of them is alive." Jesper said.

 Kaz Brekker watched as Aria scrambled to her feet and to Wylan's side. Though Aria was almost a head taller than Wylan, he put his arm out in front of her, trying to shield her from whatever was to come.

 Nina tried to end the Grisha's suffering, but her hands shook far too much. "I...please, someone..." she croaked, utterly defeated.

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