𝖛𝖎𝖎𝖎. Proper Thieves

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chapter eight

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chapter eight. various

 The blue kefta was familiar in her hands.   

 The fur lined collar, the way it almost reached her feet. Aria remembered when she first got it—within her first week at the Little Palace. She hadn't been there long before she fled off to a small village where a family picked her up to have her work as their handmaiden. When she was almost fifteen, she fled again. Back to Ketterdam, she took only what she had on her back, off into the twisting, crooked place of the Barrel. Aria doesn't remember meeting Nina Zenik before Ketterdam, she doesn't remember her in that crimson red kefta. But, as Aria sits next to the Heartrender on the table, her heart aches. Such a selfless woman, struggling with the effects of jurda parem. Sweat beaded at her forehead as she shook, staring up at the ceiling with dilated eyes. Aria placed her chin on the end of the table, watching as Nina's chest fell and rose again. She had no idea of what time it was, but she was sure it was past midnight.

Nina's head turned to look at her, a smile at her lips. "You're scared for me," she informed. Aria sat up slightly, brows furrowing. "Your heart. I can hear it." Aria swallowed, suddenly very aware of her heart thumping in her chest. It was quick and just as Nina had said, proved she was afraid. "Give me your arm."

Aria handed it over, and Nina rubber her thumb over the Menagerie tattoo and it was gone before her eyes. Nina moved a steady hand towards the branding, meeting Aria's gaze. All Aria did was nod. With a wave of a hand, her skin was flawless, save for the crow and cup tattoo. "Thank you." Aria said, running a finger over the smooth skin. A sense of relief filled her chest. "So, you can hear heartbeats?" Aria asked, leaning on the table, Nina sat up and stretched, hunched slighty.

"Everyone's. And their breathing."

Aria smiled. "Interesting."

There was a few moments of silence, then Nina spoke again.

"You know, you take his breath away."

Aria looked up, confused. "Who?"

Nina cocked her head. "You know, Aria."

Aria shook her head. "You're ridiculous."

Nina shoved her lightly. "I can hear your blood rushing to your cheeks when he talks to you."

"Okay, enough. I'll send Matthias in." The door slammed behind her.


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