Oh... Okay...

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Okay to start off with, if there are any minors here, please wait till you're older.
Coarse language is used in this story as well as some innuendo and incredibly awkward scenes. There won't be any straight out descriptive 'scenes'
But things will be talked about and implied later on. This is your warning.

*Aux's perspective*

I looked down at the plutonian in my hand.
He was looking around curiously, but froze as soon as he noticed I was looking at him.
'Psh- no need to be like that.'

He shrugged at this.
'Like what?'

'Shy. No need to be...'
With this I slightly squeezed him.
What I wasn't expecting was his reaction.

He threw a hand over his mouth, tending up.
He looked like he was sick.

"Hey, are you okay there? '

"Yeah... Just... I wasn't expecting that."

I walked into my room, setting Zen on the walkway next to my bed.
It wasn't in any way fancy, more of a cot, but I guess to him, it was incredible.
He wouldn't stop staring at it.

*Zen's perspective*

I was in awe. Our size difference really hit me as I looked at the massive landing pad of a bed.
Hell, landing strip.
The matching being that occupied that bed was standing nearby, staring at me.
Shit. Why did he have to stare all the time?
It was.... Okay, I don't know, but I felt uncomfortable with it.
'So, um, where am I going to sleep?'

'Aren't you going to shower first?'

I don't know why, but those words leaving his mouth made my stomach drop.
"... I guess I do. Where's the bathroom?"

He pointed me to it, watching me carefully the whole time as I walked out of the room to head to the shower.
I will admit the plutonian sized shower that got put in was shitty, but there was no way I was going to bother Aux about that.
I took a rather pleasant shower considering the shower itself, before putting on my pajamas.
Nothing too complicated, just a mint shirt and my favorite fluffy white pants.
What can I say, I'm a plutonian of comfort.
I walked back to the room, expecting to see Aux waiting his turn on the shower.
Instead, he was sitting on his bed, shirtless, in a pair of black pajama pants.
"Aux, did you shower?"

"Of course I did. There's more than one fully rigged restroom in this ship."

"Okay, but as I asked earlier, where am I going to sleep?"

Aux stretched, yawning.
"Where do you think, little genius? Look around this room and what is the one thing in here?"

I did a double take, looking around the room again.
Nothing in this room but a window showing the beauty of space, and...
Aux's bed.

".... NO. We, we just met! I can't sleep in the same bed as you, that would be insane! "

As the plutonian rambled on, Aux sighed, reaching out.
He grabbed the plutonian, tilting his head as Zen fell silent.
"Relax. You're just sleeping on my pillow. Stop freaking out. It's not like we're hooking up or something."
He winked, chuckling. "Unless you want otherwise..."

At this, Aux's face turned bright red as he lightly gasped.
"Aux! That's inappropriate!"

Aux chuckled, gently setting Zen on his pillow.
"Yeah, yeah. Now go to sleep."

"... We're talking about that tomorrow."

"What? The hookup thing?"

"Joking like that is crude."


"Besides. I'm a plutonian. And you're a Martian.
How would that even work?"

Aux had laid down, but propped himself up on one arm, genuine surprise in his face.
"You, uh... Really don't know how that works?"

Zen shook his head.
"No... Should I?"

"I mean... Yeah, I should think so.
Helps you understand. Expand your partner choices."

"... Maybe I will look into it... Tomorrow.
Goodnight Aux."

"Goodnight Zen."

With this, Aux clapped, the lights in the room turning off, only the nebula outside providing a faint purple glow in the room.

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