two || the dragons call

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two || the dragons call pt.2


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Endless laugher left Katherine lips as she watched children pelt rotten fruit and vegetables at Merlin who was currently put in the stocks.

"Yes, this is so funny Kat!"

"I can't take you serious while you have tomato juice dripping down your hair Mer-HA!" Katherine started heaving as Merlin got hit with a cabbage straight at his face."Maybe I should try throwing one at you?"

"Don't you dare."

"And if I dare?" Katherine challenged as she bent down to grab a rotten tomato.

"Kat.KAT.KATHERINE!" Merlin yelled as Katherine crooked her arm back and and threw the tomato forward hitting Merlin right in the face.

Katherine giggled as she saw Merlin shake his head trying to get tomato juice off his face. Once the children went to get more rotten fruits and vegetables she walked up to him and lightly pulled his ear."See this is why you shouldn't doubt my words."

Light footsteps suddenly attracted Katherines attention. Looking up both Merlin and her saw a beautiful woman who shyly approached the two. She was wearing a red cloak and a marmalade colored tunic over a white dress.

"I'm Guinevere, but most people call me Gwen. I'm the Lady Morgana's maid."

"Right. I'm Merlin." he reached out his hand to shake Gwens hands but the stocks only allowed his hand to stretch out so much. She meet his hand shake in the middle. Merlin quickly added to his previous introduction, "Although, most people just call me Idiot."

"Because he is." Katherines tapped the top of Merlins head before turning to smile at Gwen. "I'm Katherine, the one that usually calls him idiot."

"No, no, no. I saw what you did. It was so brave." Gwen reassured Merlin softly smiling.

"It was stupid." He admitted.

"Yes, it was stupid." Katherine reiterated for the hundredth time that day.

"Well, I'm glad you walked away. You weren't going to beat him." Gwen said absentmindedly.

Merlin snorted as he looked at the two women in front of him."Oh, I- I can beat him."

Katherines laughter rose up once more as she imagined Merlin trying to fight. She wiped a tear that was falling from her eye from the intensity of her laughter. "No you can't, remember when you tried to-HA, remember when you tried to fight Will that one time and ended up hitting your head on a rock by the river."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2022 ⏰

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