The Island

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Boba POV

        I was flying the Slave-1 through the sky while jamming its presence from all frequencies of detection, meanwhile following the new map data I acquired from the mobile device that they use on this planet and it is apparently called a scroll so I jerry rigged a connector to the Slave-1's Nav computer so I would have a decent map of the planet and Primary kingdom's and also the free addition of bandit tribe locations and stashes of other valuable info because she apparently used to be some sort of spy for a guy named Ozpin. After flying for a while  I saw land appear on my rangefinder up ahead so I slowed down as I flew over the Island and found a concealed spot to land the Slave-1 for now. Now it was time to go make the delivery so I powered down the Slave-1. Then I grabbed the Two remaining items of the boss lady, put them in a case. But before I flew off I  checked on Vernal and it turned out she was sleeping so I let her rest. I then proceeded to disembark the Slave-1 and take a glance at my surroundings before I activated my jetpack and blasted off into the sky and towards the Xaio-Long house. As I was flying through the beautiful blue skies and looking around I noticed it's quite nice here, but as I was getting closer to the house I had a flashback to geonosis where my father was killed and felt a tinge of remorse for her family but then I remembered that she was a scoundrel that preyed and stole from the weak. I landed and started to walk to the door then after a moment of hesitation I knocked on the door and then a couple minutes later I saw two men emerge from the Doorway. I proceeded to say

" Hello there I'm Boba and you are"

"Well this is Tai and I'm Qrow" the tall thin man said

"Well thanks for coming out to talk to me, it makes it easier to give you this" while handing the weapon and mask which had a slight disintegration scorch mark on it over to the two men.

"From what I have learned this lady some relation to you two"

"Where did you get these!?" the men said with a combination of anger and sadness in their voices

"Well she choose a battle she couldn't win as one might say and I thought it would be best if I returned her stuff to her family"

"And what of the body and the rest of her clan" they ask curiously

"Dead, Also do you know a place Where I can get some work"

"Yeah, I do but it takes a while to get their without a long walk or a bulkhead" Qrow said

"Don't worry, I have a way to get there." I said while I clicked a button on my Vambracer

"Well where is it" Qrow asked

"Give it a parsec will ya"

*A couple parsecs later*

The Slave-1 had landed a couple feet away

"Now that's my ride"

"I have several questions" Qrow said while I walked abroad and he followed suit

"I'll answer some of them on the way there" I said while getting into the pilot seat and starting the ship up

"But for now sit your ass down and make yourself self comfortable while I get us up and on our way to Vale"

*I guess I should tell him about Vernal being down there two but if he didn't notice her and she didn't greet us, well then she is probably sleeping*

(Do you guys want Boba to have a love interest or not. I'll check votes eventually but this won't start for a while) 

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