The Reward

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Boba POV

"I'll be keeping this as my bonus and I'll be joining you guys here per the agreement in two weeks to maintain the story" I say while closing then chest picking it up and walking away to the Slave-1 and moving aboard.

"Alright Vernal we're going now" I said while securing the chest down

"Where are we going now Boba" asked Vernal

"To take a break and do some work at the outpost" I said while climbing up into the cockpit and sitting down in the pilot seat

*Week long time skip*

I had started to learn the arts of Mandalorian beskar forging by reading the texts in the ancient outpost and a holo recording of a long dead Armorer. I had been spending a lot of time learning the skill to forge beskar to make it stronger and lighter for weapons and armor. I am listening to one of the recordings of the Armorer while going through the chest. I had taken all of the beskar ingots out and I found a secret compartment and it held a yellow, silver, and white lightsaber that had the Siegel of the mythasuar and Cassus Fett. I had experience with lightsabers before from when I took them as trophies from the Jedi I had killed but unlike the normally more refined and slim-lined this one was a bit more crude and looked hand made I had stopped listening to the recording for a while now so I paused it and decided that it needed a more unique Fett touch so I took it to a workstation in the Forge Room and closed the door to the room because Vernal was sleeping in her Room in the outpost. I put my helmet to the side and grabbed a tool set from the shelves and set it down on the workbench and I started to disassemble the lightsaber piece by piece and placing them in an orderly fashion on the bench I got to the kyber crystal and I was surprised by what I saw it was no ordinary kyber crystal but a Red-orange colored one that was shaped like the skull of the mythosaurs and with that I completed the disassembly. I had grabbed paints and some special parts to add to the saber like a locking device that allowed me to turn it on and off using the controller on my vambrace. Then I set out the pieces and started to repaint them into my color scheme. Once that was done I started to reassemble My new weapon and by the time it was done I was very pleased with the final results.

I took my new weapon to where I had the rest of my gear resting In a lock container and placed it in there before going back to where I was earlier, sat down and resumes the video of the armorer taking in the knowledge of the armorer and also taki...

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I took my new weapon to where I had the rest of my gear resting In a lock container and placed it in there before going back to where I was earlier, sat down and resumes the video of the armorer taking in the knowledge of the armorer and also taking notes of his teachings for that video. After I finished the video I then called it A night and headed off to my bunk to rest for the night.

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