The Situation

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Boba POV (this is happening at the beginning of Vol.2)

           It was a week after the meeting with the headmaster and I had started an improved training regimen for Vernal and myself like how my Father ,Jango Fett, but for Vernal I had compressed it down to a week and a half of training in the outpost and the rest would be field experience. I also had started teaching her the ways of the Mandalorian culture and ideology which she took to quite well. While she did independent training I had started to go out into the city looking for and collecting information about Roman's goon hideouts and bases. But as to not give the White Fang any ideas or suspicions that someone was looking in them so i went out using a separate set of Old gear I had. I also had set up listing devices in places that I had found that they had frequented and it was all going well until the night I had decided to make a grab for Roman. I'm standing on top the warehouse where the white fang is assembling new recruits for their cause. I was looking through my rangefinder when I heard a set of voices not speaking about normal white fang ideas but about something else I would need to keep an eye on them and I can't hit them with knockout darts because the patrols would find them and compromise my mission of capturing Roman. A white fang hypes the new recruits up and then Roman comes out to speak and he blabs on and on until I notice a disturbance in the crowd and then the two I was suspicious of start a fighting with some white fang goons while trying to flee as Roman Starts to head some where. "well he's not paying me for Just Roman"  I think to my self as I kicked In the glass ceiling and dropped right into the fight. Once I hit the ground it was like every other Blaster fight I had been in I saw ten goons in total. one rushed at me I'm assumed out of impulse, I side stepped and blasted him in the the back with my Rifle the other goons took their attention of the other two for a second and started to shoot at me as I dodged out the way using my Jetpack and Returned Fire at them never missing a shot I took out three of them with my rifle. Two got taken down by those kids while they were exiting the warehouse and running away  while calling what seemed to be for help. I attached my rifle to my jetpack then I  grabbed my pistol and started blasting and I hit another two while I flew forward and landed in front of the last one and kneed him in the gut while firing my knee rockets he flew and hit the wall hard. I spun and holstered pistol looking for where Roman ran off to so I jetpack off looking to find out where Roman went. Only to suddenly find a stolen atlas paladin bust through the wall of another warehouse and sprint into the city streets of vale following the two kids that were originally there I pursue after him using my jetpack. While I am pursuing I activate my rangefinder to only to find another problem of what I'm assuming is the backup the kids from the warehouse called had just managed to knock The paladin off the highway and onto the ground level. Roman and the kids started to battle it out while they did that I landed on the Roof and watched the battle the kids though showing decent skill managed to sever an arm of the paladin then after a bit more of watching them fight I decide that the battle is not going anywhere fast anymore so I activate my rangefinder to Lock onto the paladin And then I fired my jetpack Rocket. *Boom* The Rocket hit dead on right where the Paladins primary systems are located, the Paladins started to slow down, fail and a couple seconds later the paladin fell backwards the kids stand close to the cockpit but I stayed where I was because I had learned from all the information I had gathered over the previous weeks is that Roman has a primary goon named Neo that helps him get away and out of tight spots. I raised my right arm to be ready to fire a dart from my vambracer that would allow me to track Roman from the tracker the dart would leave behind when removed. after a couple more seconds Roman emerges from the cockpit, while he dusts himself off I have already tagged him with the dart. He proceeds to taunt the kids before Braking into shards and disappearing by the power of Neo as I had expected. I watch for a couple more seconds then I fly up into the sky and then I hear more firing sounds as I turn around and see a blonde grab me by my foot and throw me downwards. I hit the ground hard from that throw but I quickly recovered and got back onto my feet seeing that I was surrounded.

 The one dressed in black asked "Who do work for tell us now"

"I'm not going to tell" I say as I fire a concussion Rocket at the ground and fly off also leaving behind a small present.

The present was a concussion nade so that they would not be able to follow me back to the base. 

*a few minutes of flying later*

I land and take off my helmet and walk into the main room and place my helmet on the table then I walk over to the training room to see Vernal training away. I am very pleased to see how well she is coming along in training. I walk away from that room and back over to the main terminal and called Ozpin to give him an update.

"Oz my plan was working Until your damn students interfeared but my new plan is working also keep a tighter leash on your students and let me do my Job" 

"That's good Mr.Fett also if you could would you please come to the Beacon Dance there is someone I would like for you to meet in person" said Oz

"As you wish"

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