| 13 | 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐬 + 𝙼𝚒𝚖𝚒

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|_Leo = the ex 🔝

"I feel quite bad for you."

I look down at Louis as I stood near the school auditorium doors, my eyes honestly just looking at him in disappointment. I already knew what he was talking about as I see Mimi rush up from behind me.

"Boo!" Mimi exclaims, smiling when I shrug it off. "Y-You will b-be scared one day."

"Maybe." I smirk at him as we completely ignored Louis' disgusted expression. "Are you easily frightened, is the real question."

"N-No..." He drifts as he glances off. I just chuckle at him because it was very hard...to not flirt with him.

It's already bad enough that Louis caught me dropping off his brother yesterday after...our little rouse, but now he wants to crash anything we do? Considering it was Mimi's choice to be around me now instead of his...friends, I was surprised that he wanted to go drop them entirely.

I won't judge...his tastes and choices when it comes to anything; but I don't think mine would ever be this. To actually want to be around me all the time...? Wouldn't I be annoying? Not to him...it just goes to show how cute he is.

"So, why was he at your house anyway, alone with you?" Louis questions us as he starts to go through the papers on the board we happened to be next to.

"I-I was c-coming to h-help d-decorate his room d-differently." Mimi says out of the blue.

Not going to lie...I haven't changed my room decorations or colors for years. Ever since middle school, nothing has been changed. I was pretty adamant about my blue and gray. Louis clearly remembered that as he narrows his eyes on him.

"Why would he just randomly decide to decorate his room? He's had it that way since we were in middle school and you were just about to leave elementary. Why, all of a sudden, he wants to change it?" Louis snaps at him, causing Mimi to look away nervously. "Have you even seen his room?"

"Y-Yeah, it's v-very nice." Mimi nods quickly, and my eyes closed at his mistake. I heard him begin to groan because now Louis knows he was not only at my house, but in my room as his eyes widen.

Before I know it I see him standing in front of me.

"Why has he been to your house? I haven't been there in months, I wanna see your family again - why did he get to when I've been asking to go?" Louis questions me with this hurt expression.

I did begin to feel bad, but it's not me...that doesn't want him to come. My parents don't really like him; and my sisters are quite outspoken.

My parents wouldn't ever say anything to his face, they have respect to that degree. When it comes to my sisters though...they will run their big mouths. They do not care who's feelings they hurt. Especially when it comes to people they don't like.

And he...somehow, is one of them.

"It's really nothing personal, I promise. It's more of my sisters, I don't want them to say anything crazy." I tell him as truthfully as I could.

"That doesn't explain why Mimi was there."

"I-I was th-th-there b-because-."

"Your stuttering is getting worse therefore I know you're lying, so shut up." Louis snaps angrily at Mimi who looked away.

I glare at him and how he spoke to him. That pissed me off more than I thought it would. Just to see him talk to him like that made me angrier than I had originally anticipated.

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