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| Seo Min-Jun (Mimi) 🔝

I stood in the airport alongside my friend in the airport, still surprised that I never knew he had a younger brother. Have been friends with him practically since we were in preschool.

Never once did I hear Louis say he had a brother a year younger than him. I knew his family was originally from China and they moved to America when he was three, but what about his younger brother?

"I'm still confused about all of this." I say, shaking my head in shock still. "You never once mentioned him."

"It wasn't necessary. He lived in China with my grandparents, by my parents choice. They're both professors and supposedly they kept us separated to see what the differences of our IQ's and academics would be." He said simply, as if that was normal.

I face back forward awkwardly, not knowing what to say to such a thing.

"So...essentially you both were like their studies? To see the difference between both of your IQ's and intelligence?" I question in a teasing-manner, not being serious.

"Yes actually." Louis chuckled, nodding as we heard his phone go off. He ended up grabbing his phone and looking at it with annoyance.

As soon as he took a deep breath, I knew that there was a problem. When he is annoyed or irritated, he sighs heavily and his eyes become hooded like he's high. I think it's an interesting sight in my opinion.

"Mimi is ridiculous. He doesn't know how to go through the airport. As of right now he said he's still in the sitting area of where you are when are about to go on your flight. I thought he was smart..." Louis mumbled at the end, and he looked behind his shoulder.

"What are you going to do?"

"I can't leave my car. They'll probably tow it or - I don't know!...you can go inside to fetch him." Louis recommended to me, and I raise my eyebrows.

I wasn't down for that.

Not only do I not know what his younger brother looks like, but the dude doesn't know me. I may be wrong when I choose which person it is and this is LAX. It is not easy to search for people in that airport.

How would you feel if you were already fearful and lost in the airport, but just have this random black dude walk up to you, insisting he knows you?

I already bring attention to myself just for being black. But at the same time I'm fucking 6'7 so that doesn't help my case. I just attract eyes and I like to say I'm attractive, but I don't want to sound like some narcissist. Going on about how attractive I am.

"I don't think that's wise-."

"Of course it is! Please go inside, for me." Louis begged as a pout came to his face. He practically begged me to do it and I didn't want to let him down.

I didn't want to let him down so much that I found myself walking through the airport. Going up the escalator, I keep my head down because I knew I looked insane. I'm technically not allowed into this area without a ticket.

Except I just went the backwards way and tried not to look suspicious. It was working to an extent, but I knew there would come a point where I'd meet an airport cop.

Those dudes and or dudets are tough. They're mean and really take their job seriously, I understand why, but still.

As I walked through, I began to take in the people leaving from some areas. Not that I was watching any particular race, but I followed an area that I believed his brother would be in.

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