It's been a bit...since we had our date, but in thinking about it...I become sad. I start to think about how things are now with us in college together now.
I feel slight shame in thinking about it, but just with us having done this for a little I feel bad because...
I never thought that I'd be questioning Travis. We both now go to school together and every time we pass one another we swap Primy. It's not like we don't communicate or acknowledge the other, but you can sense and feel the stress the other has. Just the stress of having to meet at the same spot and sometimes we go out of our way, which is perfectly fine. Except it makes harder for one of us at a certain point in time.
It's a good thing we meet at the same time. There's no delays and neither is waiting. What I question of Travis is if...he really wants to do this. Like the whole running back and forth every class to hand her over. In my opinion, it can be tiresome, but it's one-hundred percent worth it. Maybe I'm being dramatic on his end since I never asked, but I know he has basketball. Taking care of a baby, and that on top of that probably isn't what he was expecting. I can only imagine because you're not really watching a baby at a basketball practice - which he has everyday.
That's why...I'm going to check secretly and go in disguise.
I wore his hoodie that completely hid me as I went to the top of the bleachers. I usually would get something to eat or go home for a little, but today it's different. I look around for Travis and saw he wasn't even in here yet. Except the more I waited I wondered if he would come at all.
Until I saw a very attractive man, my man, walk into the gym. He was holding the baby carrier in his hands as he had changed out for practice it seemed. I saw someone walking beside him as they spoke to one another, but it wasn't anything serious it seemed. I could see Primy looking around curiously in her carrier and he I could see he possibly changed her diaper because she was tucked in different.
It was...very attractive to see him with her. He rested her near the bleachers and I saw him crouch before her. I could see him almost saying something to her and he had the most gentlest smile I've ever seen. Never one he's given me, but it was way different. Like a smile you'd only give your child because they have a special place within your heart that is different than anything else in the world.
I bite my lip, loving what I was seeing. Out of nowhere I see him lifting her out of her carrier. I was confused until everyone lined up at the side of the court and their Coach spoke to them. No one was saying anything and I didn't expect him to be holding her considering what he does. Only to see them start jogging around and I see someone hand a baby carrier that he put on. My eyes widen as he places Primy inside and fastens her in, and someone adjusted the back for him. Now he jogged too while she was with him, and I felt like my heart just melted.
It was the sweetest thing I think I have ever seen. My heart is absolutely melting, it really is. I saw him smiling as he had his eyes focused on as he ran, almost like he was playing with her while he ran. I saw her smiling too and I could almost hear her coos of happiness.
Why did I question him wanting to do this? He looks so in love with our daughter and I really dare question that? It's just so obvious how stupid could I be?!
Very stupid, apparently.
"My two baobei's..." I murmur, grinning as I leaned against my hand. They were just so beautiful to look at...I could look at them all day and never get tired of this sweet sight.
"Are you watching them too?"
I look, seeing some guy sitting at the bleacher two seats up. I didn't even see him as I nod awkwardly, nodding down.

My Best Friends' Younger Brother
Teen FictionTravis Iverson has been best friends with Louis Seo for as long as he can remember. They practically grew up together, but Travis never once realized that Louis had a younger brother that was living with his grandparents in a different country. Wh...