Travis Iverson has been best friends with Louis Seo for as long as he can remember. They practically grew up together, but Travis never once realized that Louis had a younger brother that was living with his grandparents in a different country.
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"I'm curious." I say to Louis as I sat on a couch in his living room. All I've been doing for the past ten minutes I've been here is watching him play on his Switch.
"Where's Mimi? The whole time I've been here I haven't seen him once." I say, and Louis looks over his shoulder at me. Seeing the frown upon his face told me that he was wondering why I was wondering.
"When did you two become so close? He's only been here for two days and you're already wondering what he's doing?" He questions and I roll my eyes. "But to answer your question, he's probably out in our mom's garden. He's obsessed with flowers, so I've learned."
Louis shook his head, facing forward and went back to playing his game. Except now I was curious as to what Mimi was doing.
I let them have their family time and didn't want to intrude. Though now that it's Monday, it's still only summer.
We start school in two weeks and Mimi came at a critical time in my opinion. All the items in the store may be sold out or the bad options for school will be left over.
I can probably find some good options if he truly needs it.
"Well...I'm going to be a good person and say hi." I say, and right when I stand Louis was back looking at me in annoyance. Like me just going to say hi to his brother was not necessary.
"I can't be a good person?" I ask, and he snorts.
"We all know you don't give two fucks about new people or others. What's so special about Mimi? Play with me instead." He said as if he was a child.
I shook my head, going to him and ruffling his hair as I left him to his own devices. I didn't really take what he was saying seriously because I spend time with him 24/7. This is something different. Mimi is someone different.
Once I got to the door leading me outside, I sometimes forget that it was an enclosed garden. It was almost peaceful to walk in and there's just flowers all over the place.
Could walk through and I had a sense of safety. It was calming and a way different environment than it was inside the Seo household.
Louis and Mimi's parents are smart people, way too smart for their own good. They're professors so they aren't home a lot. Which caused Louis to grow up in my house practically and that's why we're so close.
Now that he's older and can be in the house by himself, his parents are even more less active with him. It's sad, but I honestly don't think his parents know how to parent right.
I've seen the way they communicate to him and it's almost robotic. Never once have I heard the words "I love you" leave their lips to Louis. If they are talking to each other, it's about grades or school. Never about Louis because - so I've heard from him - they think emotions are an unnecessary human trait.