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Junhui woke at 10:10 am on his alarm of 5 am.

"Uh,ngh." He groaned out and faced his phone then started to scroll up and rolled his eyes up to celling then back to his phone and sighed out seeing no new massages or latest notifications.

Breaking all hope to be noticeable to his classmates, he walked up to washroom and washed his face and walked out with his towel over his neck.

"I'm cute."

He quickly gave a smile to himself looking at the mirror in one side of his room.

It had to be another horrible day of school and he hated his school more than his gross mind.
There was a new rule of World, everyone had their soul mate's name over hand, arm or neck but Junhui didn't got anyone's name till then, which annoyed him much more.

Seeing people matching with their soul mate, annoyed him like a hell inside world.
"This all fools, why? God didn't gave such thing like this. This soul mate thing is more gross than exams." He rolled up his eyes shouting inside.

"XU MINGHAO!!!" Someone yelled out and that time someone else pushed Junhui that hard he fell down badly with a pose.
"Oh, man, I'm sorry." That being stopped by there but Junhui didn't looked up. He was annoyed and that push annoyed him more.

Junhui stood sighing "I'm in hell anyways don't ask why."

"Uh....but why?"

"I said not to ask WHY!" Junhui took up his bag and began to walk over not even taking a glance at the boy from back.
Junhui wasn't a type of kid to put all attention to his class that time two boys walked in with notice board and as Junhui was the class president he stood up with no interest and walked over to them and snatched the whole thing without looking at them.

"Ah, every crazy person over here...Our old crazy principal is taking his permanent leave so we will get another fool so get your ass ready to join the boring speech..thanks." Junhui said and all started to bickering.

Junhui took that notice board and passed it "Thanks for it..now you can get lost." Junhui said without taking one glance at them.
Junhui felt one of them walked out but another still was standing so he faced him and saw a boy with open mouth.

Junhui just ignored it and walked back to his sit.

"Ah..uh.....Junhui?" That standing boy said and Junhui faced his with ZERO interest.

"Yes, that ass is me."

That boy bowed down which looked more like he was asking forgiveness. "Sorry, for morning." He ended up his bow and faced Junhui who was already annoyed.

"Yeah so? Can I just slam my head off? You can get off." Junhui said rolling his eyes.

My Name_SVT JunhaoWhere stories live. Discover now