Pink is not for girls, and blue is not for boys.
Let us decide our own favorite toys!
Crying doesn't make you weak; Men too feel pain
Then why from showing tears, should I refrain?
Cause doll or ball; Short or tall;
His or her; this green Earth is for all!
Our life is both – The petal and the thorn,
A little bit of burn, is for every soul born.
The battle for survival is fought everyday!
So don't add to that, must I say!
Untag; unburden; Set free from age-old expectation!
Every child is a blooming flower; Let it shine from its own aspiration.
Spread your wings, sore high, Sky is the limit!
Dream your dream; the world is waiting for you.
You are magical; you are the rainbow!
Why must you confine yourself to pink or blue?