Chapter 10 - The Meadow

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My eyes were shut tight, frightening darkness enveloping my vision and mind. My heartbeat was in some sort of race with my thoughts and I was damn sure that I was going crazy. I should have stayed at the party. Why was I stupid enough to go out alone -- especially after what happened when I took that risky trip to the library. I felt people shuffling around me and my forehead creased with concentration. Despite the nerves that were threatening to swallow me whole, I lifted my head up and attempted to appear fearless. I don't know what was going through my mind. Maybe if I didn't show my fear, they'd let me go. As stupid as the idea was, I was desparate to try anything.

I tried to identify the source of the muffled mumbles around me. They continued for quite a while, before a terrifying silence ensued. I gulped. Well? Were these people going to say anything? Maybe they would change their minds and let me go...

I shook the ridiculous thoughts from my mind and opened my trembling lips to speak. 

"What do you want from me? Please, I can give you all the m-money you need, just let me go," No matter how hard I tried to believe that my voice was low, dangerous, and brave, no one could ignore the way it cracked between my question. I didn't dare open my eyes, and listened for any sort of response. 

I thought I heard laughter, before it came to an instant stop. My stomach twisted uneasily. 

It was an insane thought, but a strange form of relief washed over me when someone finally began to speak. 

"You can keep your money. Besides that's not what we want," the voice was deep, raspy, and washed away the relief that had previously engulfed me. "We want you." I sensed a hint of humor in the kidnapper's voice, but didn't trust myself enough to assume anything anymore. 

The hands that were holding mine together tightened their grip, earning a girlish squeal from me. I began kicking as hard as I could, not really sure what I was aiming for. I was done with trying to me brave. It was time to scream bloody murder. My eyes remained closed and I thrashed around the seat, satisfied when I heard a painful groan from one of the men. How many were there? Finally, the hands that had enveloped mine loosened and I relaxed only slightly.

Things went silent. Right then seemed like a good time to open my eyes and see who my captors were. So I did. 

I opened my eyes one by one. I lifted my head and squinted when a sharp light hit my eyes. I gulped loudly and watched the light fade and my eyes adjusted to the brightness. I was able to see who was seated in front of me. I blinked once, not believing the sight in front of me. I blinked again, this time keeping my eyes shut for a few seconds before opening them. Nope, they were still there. A mix of emotions swept over me: relief, shock, annoyance, but anger was without a doubt the strongest of them all.

"You... you..." Needless to say, I was at a loss for words. I mean, who wouldn't be? Here I was, thinking I was going to get murdered, when in reality it was just five boys who didn't seem to like having a normal take on anything.  

"You should have seen your face!" Harry clutched his stomach and doubled over in laughter. Niall was sitting in the seat in front of me and followed, laughing like a maniac along with Harry. I sat up straight. Zayn was sitting beside a hysterical Niall, clutching his stomach in pain. He was probably the one I had kicked. Harry was in the driver's seat and Liam was sitting next to him in the passenger seat. Last but not least, there was Louis. He was sitting next to me and it wasn't hard to recognize him as my "kidnapper." 

This was not something to joke about. I had been annoyed at these guys before, but only playfully. I had never actually gotten angry. 

"What the hell was that?!" I finally inquired. Their smiles were replaced by confused expressions.  

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