Chapter 14 - This Means War

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Maybe it was your eyes, that were shining like the stars. Or maybe that smile; the reason of the scars that lay forever upon my wounded heart. 


*Charlotte's POV*

"He's proposing!?" Danielle's jaw fell as she gawked at me. The t-shirt that was in her hand clattered to the ground. I rolled my eyes while picking it up and hung it back on the rack. 

She was not helping the situation by being so dramatic, but I couldn't blame her. And no one could blame me for telling her, either. Even though it had only been two days, I couldn't keep the secret bottled up inside for any longer.

And Louis told me not to mention it to any of the guys, so technically, it was safe to discuss it with her. 

I turned to face the astonished girl. Danielle had invited me to go shopping with her and Eleanor. I wanted to refuse when I heard that Eleanor would be tagging along, but I knew that I had to give her a chance. I couldn't declare that I disliked her just because she was with Louis. We had invited Perrie along, but her band had a concert to perform.

"It's not that big of a deal, just let it go." I turned around, hoping she wouldn't see through my indifferent facade. I walked to the perfume aisle and started smelling the bottles, looking for a scent that wasn't strong enough to burn my nose. 

"Not that big of a deal?! Charlotte, you've officially lost it. How is Louis proposing to Eleanor not a big deal? And how are you just okay with this?" From the looks of things, Danielle was pretty close to pulling her own hair out.

 I turned on my heels and reluctantly faced her, putting the perfume back on the display shelf.

She had no idea. "How am I okay with this? Danielle, do I have a choice? Either way, Louis is marrying Eleanor and I can't let my feelings get in the way of their relationship." I felt proud of myself for not only admitting this, but admitting it out aloud. The past few days had been a blur. I acted normal around Louis, even though I knew that all that was on his mind was Eleanor and how the proposal was going to turn out. And I knew this because it was all he would talk about. The way that Louis was so worried about the proposal not being flawless only went to show just how much he cared for Eleanor. 

"But Charlotte," Danielle stepped in front of me when I was headed to the cash register. "You love him. You said it yourself, all you want is to experience love. And now you have it. How could you possibly throw that away?" Her words reminded me of Rose the day that I talked to her about my feelings. They also reminded me of just how that day turned out.

"Well what do you want me to do? Stop him from proposing?" I retaliated, my sarcastic tone getting the best of me. Danielle looked at me with a blank expression, giving me the answer to my question. 

I shot her a ridiculous look and brought my hand to my forehead in distress.

"Oh, c'mon! You can't be serious..." 

She raised one eyebrow. "Do I look like I'm joking?"

I sighed and resisted the urge to bang my head on the railing behind me. 

"Why do you want me to stop them from getting married so badly?! Isn't Eleanor your friend? Won't it break her heart?" I turned the tables and Danielle was clearly surprised about my question. Sadly, she knew exactly how to answer it. 

Danielle looked to her left to make sure Eleanor hadn't come out of the changing rooms and brought her gaze back to mine.

"Eleanor is my friend. But so is Louis. I can't see him hurt this way. He's not happy with her, he's fooling himself into believing that he's in love with her. And the fact is, if he realizes this after they're married, it'll hurt Eleanor, too."

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