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Dear Charlotte,

I'm uncertain about quite a few things.

For instance,

I'm not sure if you'll ever even be given the chance to read this letter, seeing as Louis tends to be rather forgetful.

I'm not sure if you'll even reply.

Heck, Charlotte, I don't even know why I'm writing this.

I guess it's not only a way to reassure you, but to reassure myself.

I'm taking it that you know I broke the engagement. But this time, Charlotte, it feels different. The last time my engagement went down the drain, it took me along with it. I became this person that I never wanted to be.

Possessive, ruling, and in short, rather bitchy.

This time, I feel okay. And maybe that doesn't sound like the best feeling in the world, but right now, I'll settle for it.

Do you remember when you said to me that Louis belonged to me? That we were meant to be together?

I hate to break it to you, Charlotte, but that wasn't entirely true.

You see, maybe we did care for each other, but never in the way that you two do for one another. It's weird, really, seeing this entire thing play out. I've never seen someone adore anyone else as much as Louis adores you. You're special to him, so don't ever think that this is me "giving" Louis to you. He was yours to begin with, it just took some of us too long to realize it. 

You've sacrificed so much to make him happy, thinking that it was alright to hurt your own self in the process, when in reality, the only way it ever made sense was when it was Charlotte and Louis. 

Lou and Char.

I don't exactly know where I'm going with this. I guess I just want to make sure you know that from now on, things for you are going to be better than you may have thought. You'll have your happiness, Charlotte, I can promise you that. 

And maybe one day, I will, too. Maybe one day I'll find my actual Louis. I just have to wait. 

And when I get tired of waiting (because it's bound to happen, right?), I'll remind myself of a certain love story. I'll think back to just how long the girl waited and what she got in return for being selfless and patient. 

Oh, and one more thing:

Stop looking out for others, would you? Now it's your turn. Do things that make you happy. Life your own life, because it's too short not to. And most importantly of all:

Forget the past. As weird as this sounds, forget about me. This is your's and Louis' story now, so sit back and enjoy. Because, Charlotte, it's going to be one heck of a love story.

                   ~ Eleanor Calder

*Charlotte's POV*

(Six Years Later)

It was on the cold, impelling night of Christmas Eve that I found myself alone in bed, with nothing to accompany me but the presence of the howling wind and the darkness that subdued my room. Although it left an eerie feeling in the pit of my stomach, I had grown sort of accustomed to waking up without Louis by my side. He was busy with the band and I understood that real well, mainly because of that fact that he did anything to make time for Oliver and I. 

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