the truth and nothing else

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I was the first one to notice ouma-kun's strange behavior. He usually prances around with a smile but lately he seemed to drag himself everywhere, hugging his arms and looking around in an almost paranoid fashion. Of course when I brought this up no one thought anything of it. They just thought he wanted attention and was faking his behaviours to get it...but I really doubt that....

As ouma-kun walked throughout the halls I decided to confront him about it.... "H...hello ouma-kun" I said awkwardly. He looked up at me with a shakey smile. I saw....strange circles in his eyes and he seemed to be sweating a lot "hey kiiboy! I'm so happy to see you!" He said in a breathy voice. It sounded like he was about to pass out. I raised my eyebrow with a bit of concern "is...something wrong ouma-kun?" "I have the despair d-isease" my eyes widened "the what!?" "Despair....disease" he said again but slower in an attempt to make me understand. I knew something was wrong! "N-no I know what you said b-b-but what *is* that- ah nevermind we should get to the others" I said as I grabbed his hand and tried to take him to the cafeteria but he dug his heels into the floor. Even when he's significantly weakened he puts up a good fight "yes yes! I'm not fine"

I stared at him with confusion. Oh! He wanted to say "no, I'm fine" but....i don't understand....why didn't he just say that "I need help! I'm not okay! Please!" Eventually he lost his footing which allowed me to take him much easier. I really hope we get there quickly...if he keeps pulling this hard he's going to dislocate my arm...then he'll have a weapon

Despite ouma's wishes I brought him to the cafeteria where the rest of our classmates were "ouma....has the despair disease!" I announced. They all looked confused just like I was when he told me "the what?" Momota asked. That's when ouma stepped in "The despair disease is so awful! You all shouldn't get it!" He yelled before covering his mouth. He hesitated before trying again "I-i ment what I said! Please don't get it it's horrible! Kiibo isn't lying I'm not fine!"

he's....being truthful?

He grabbed fist fulls of his hair as he seemed to begin panicking "Yes....yes! Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!" then finally he yelled "IT'S ALL THE TRUTH" before collapsing onto the floor. The others watched, disgusted and helpless as he foamed at the mouth. "Gross....did he die?" Yumeno asked as she stepped closer to examine him. I grabbed his hand only to find that he was extremely cold but....he was sweating? What kind of disease is this!? "I-i'm not sure...." Harukawa sighed before pressing two fingers into the side of his neck. Her eyes widened just a bit "his heart's beating like crazy....He's definitely not dead" "what are we supposed to do? He said he had some sort of disease right?....i-i don't wanna get it..." saihara said as he backed up a bit " neither" yumeno said, hiding behind chabashira

"Nya-ha! Do not worry friends atua says no one else will catch the disease!" "But....disease make you say stuff right? we know you don't have disease" gokuhara said in an uneasy voice "everyone please calm down!" I said nervously "we shouldn't turn on each other....everyone keep your distance from ouma's room, I will take care of him since I am unable to get sick....and just to be sure keep distance from Harukawa as well...." "What?" "You touched him..." She stared at her hands before rushing out of the room, presumably to vigorously wash her hands.

"I...I'll take ouma to his dorm...take care everyone" I said as I picked up the incapacitated boy and walked towards his dorm. "Poor boy" I mumbled as I opened the door using the key he had in his pocket....the first thing I saw was a whiteboard with pictures of all of us, excluding that....i'm not going to question it...i laid him down on the bed and covered him in blankets then I placed two fingers on ouma's neck just as Harukawa did to feel his heart race. She wasn't was beating a mile a minute....

Ouma weakly grabbed my wrist and dragged my hand down to his chest. I could feel it beat even harder. Eventually his heartbeat slowed and after a moment his eyes opened slowly. "what? did I get here" he mumbled in a raspy voice as he sat up. I pushed him back down on the bed gently using the hand that had already been placed on his chest "lay need rest" "'t touch'll get sick" he mumbled as he shook his head. I couldn't help but giggle "I appreciate the concern but....i am a robot so I cannot get sick" he paused "...o-oh right...." He's acting much different from how I knew was like his whole personality was a lie he wasn't able to tell anymore "kiibo....I'm cold..." He whined even though he was covered in blankets "you're still cold? how cold are you?" He paused as he snuggled into the blankets further "It feels like I'm laying outside during winter...all the time" he mumbled "oh dear that's awful....maybe I could help?" He didn't say anything but his eyes opened just a bit more to show that he was interested "um....i-if I lay next to you and turn on my heating function it could make you feel better...."

He looked down, carefully considering his answer before turning so he wasn't facing me anymore...unfortunately if he wanted to tell the truth he would've spoke so it was clear he was trying to lie. I looked down at my feet awkwardly "oh um...thats okay I suppose"

After a few moments he mumbled just quiet enough that I couldn't make out what he said "pardon?" "stay..." My eyebrow raised in confusion. The tone he used would've better fit with "go away" "huh?" "Are you d-deaf? I want you here! stay!" I stared at him pitifully "why are you trying to lie to me?" "Because I....." He trailed off as he realized the (probably lie) he was going to say was going to come out as the truth so he said "Because you're stupid!" I sucked in a shocked breath. he truely thinks I'm stupid?! How rude! "You seriously think I'm stupid?".....i tried to sound offended but it came out sounding like I was about to cry "yeah! You're a stupid, clumsy, d-dummy!" His words cut deeper than usual now that I knew they were one hundred percent true. "Hey...D-don't look at me like that you'll make me feel bad" if I could cry in that moment I would've definitely been crying "b-but you just said-" "what's wrong with being stupid?...i like stupid people, they're funny" he said, closely followed by a brief coughing fit

I quickly rushed to his aid, climbing onto his bed and placing his hands above his head it's apparently how humans stop coughing....and it worked. Once he stopped coughing he stared at me "i never said you could be in my bed! stay in my bed" I felt a blush crawl on my face at that truth "you...truely want me to stay?" He sighed softly as his body relaxed slightly "yes....n- o-only because I'm....r-really cold" I smiled awkwardly as I nodded my head "ah r-right...i'd be happy to warm you" I laid down on the bed and turned on my heating function. I immediately felt pleasantly warm and for once ouma's body was entirely relaxed "So? How is it?" I asked "it's so much better..."

As I was laying next to ouma I couldn't help but ask him something...i've been wondering this for awhile and now I know he'll answer truthfully....ah it feels so wrong to take advantage of him when he's in this kind of state "Hey me at all?" I wanted to know because he acts like I'm nothing but a plaything. He took a moment to mess with his hair before answering "definitely" he jumped at his own response "definitely definitely definitely!" He insisted before coughing once again. I sighed as I wrapped my arm around him "calm" I mumbled, lowering my voice as I shut my eyes. He snuggled up to me and I felt a pleasant feeling ring throughout my body. I know he only did it because I was the source of warmth but....i wanted to pretend that it was something more than that....something more....ah i appear to have forgotten the word for it....friendship plus? That doesn't sound very correct....i'm not being picky or anything I'd be happy if we could become friends or get close at all actually b-but....ah nevermind....

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