swearing is necessary

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I sighed as I walked through the hallway carrying the food I was bringing to ouma's room. Harukawa is still sick, momota went missing and ouma still won't get better....when will this end...i just want things to go back to normal....

I want ouma to say robophobic remarks again i want harukawa to act like she hates everyone instead of being paranoid of getting sick even though she definitely is sick....i just want everyone to be happy again....but I guess that can't be helped....

On the way back I just so happened to run into amami-kun "Hey kiibo....sorry for holding you up since you're busy with kokichi and all but....could you check up on kaito? No ones seen him all day and we're starting to get worried" he asked with a clearly concerned tone "uh....y-yeah i could do that j-just give me a second okay?" I said, beginning to get stressed from the extra thing i now had to do before I could relax "woah theres no rush I'm sure he's fine....but....uh..." He paused as he noticed me trying to exit the conversation by slowly walking away. He sighed softly then mumbled "....bye kiibo" before shoving his hands in his pockets and continuing on his way.

I headed into ouma's room to be met with....silence. I set down the tray of food carefully before turning my attention to the bed "....ouma?" No response once again. Is he DEAD!? I quickly rushed to the bedside and lifted the covers but ouma was nowhere to be found.

My heart sank as I stared blankly at what was in front of me....or more accurately what *wasn't* in front of me.

Where did he go? Wh-where did he go!? "Holy....HOLY SHIT I LOST OUMA!" I covered my mouth out of instinct as I heard myself swear. It's so unnatural for me to say something as vulgar as....ah! Nevermind that's not important i-i need to find him before something bad happens!!

I ran out of the room as quickly as I could. This school is massive he could be practically anywhere by now!

Suddenly I heard a loud crash then a bang. It sounded kind of like...pots and pans....the kitchen!

I followed the noises until I reached the kitchen to see ouma on all fours on the floor with pink stuff on his head and Momota who was holding a frying pan that also had the same pink liquid on it "M-momota? What are you...." I trailed off as he turned around. Cold sweat. Shaking. Swirls. He had the despair disease. No....no no nonono! How could I let it happen again?? How did he even catch it? "YOU!" Momota yelled making me flinch "YOU were the one who let maki catch the despair disease...I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU" i immediately started running as fast as I could even though I knew that I'm not nearly as fast as ouma and ouma was caught....theres no way I'll make it out of this with my life....if I hide he'll catch me and I can't keep running forever so....OH! I have an idea!....i really hope this works

I ran to....chabashira and hid behind her. Ever since harukawa had gotten sick everyone had started wearing the masks all the time which was the only reason I was comfortable running to someone for help "what are you doing you degener-" "He's trying to kill me!" She immediately paused before getting in a fighting stance "who's trying to kill you?" "M-" just as I was about to answer my future murderer stormed into the gym. "I see you coward!" He yelled. Chabashira smirked "finally! A chance to use my Neo Aikido! You can go I'll beat him easily" I nodded before running out of the room.  I need to make sure ouma's okay...

I made it to the kitchen but once again ouma vanished...however this time he wasn't that far away. I found him inside of a cupboard he must've crawled into when momota started chasing me

"...ouma...its safe to come out momota's...being delt with" i said in a quiet and comforting voice. He remained silent for a moment before he whispered "...are you sure?" "Positive" then he wrapped his arms around me and pulled himself out of the cupboard. "Are you okay? What did he do to you?" He, however, ignored me and said "Kiibo....if I don't make it out of this....i want you to know that....i....love you" my heart lit up and my face immediately turned red with blush. He....loves me?- n-no! This isn't the time for this ouma is hurt!

I quickly stood up and held the injured boy in my arms. I dont even know where to take him...well...above all else I should get him cleaned up...all the blood on him is making him smell funny..."ouma" "hm?" "I need to...shower you...is that okay?" A faint blush appeared on his face before he looked away "...yeah...just be careful with me!"

(I'm not gonna write the shower scene sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

Once I was finished cleaning ouma up and he was back in the bed I decided to check on chabashira and momota.

When I got there chabashira was smiling happily while momota was on the floor tied up with chabashira's hair ribbons "what happened?" "Like I said, I beat him easily! That degenerate male wasn't able to lay a finger on me!" She said proudly "b-but won't you get sick?" "There's nothing to worry about, my immune system fights just as hard as i do! I haven't gotten sick since I was one year old" she bragged

I sighed before grabbing onto the tied up, knocked out boy and dragging him down the hallway to his dorm.....everyone is getting sick I can't help but think that's its all my fault....if I had just done better...been better....i could've stopped this....

I dropped kaito off in his dorm then locked the door from the outside. I'm not even going to attempt going in there until he calms down...

Today's been so stressful....i just want to lay down with ouma and forget anything bad's happening....

I entered ouma's dorm room and was met with silence once again "o-ouma?" "Oh kiibo! I was wondering when you'd be back" he said happily as he threw his arms in the air. A wave of relief washed over me when I heard his voice again. A part of me was scared he went missing a second time....i happily sat down next to ouma-kun who immediately tackled me to the bed, forcing me to lay next to him. I couldn't help but giggle at his actions, finding them extremely adorable "thanks for saving my life kiibo..." He mumbled as he rubbed his face against me but as he did that....i couldn't help but think about what he said earlier

"...ouma...did you mean it when you said....you know" I mumbled as my face turned red "i really don't know have you heard me? I never shut up you'll have to be more specific" I sighed "you....you said that you....uhm....l...loved me" ouma sighed before his grip on me tightened. I heard him mumbling something so listened closer and heard "I literally can't lie...of course I meant it"

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