absolute nightmare

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I woke up next to ouma feeling rather....cold. Perhaps my heating function turned off? But that wouldn't happen unless I turned it off....how strange. Ouma shifted in his sleep quite a bit and mumbled something, clearly extremely distressed "ouma? Wh-whats the matter?" I said nervously as I shook him awake as gently as I possibly could. As soon as his eyes opened he rushed to hug me. It caught me extremely off guard "ouma!?"  He was more shakey than usual and he even sounded like he was crying now that I could hear him this clear "what happened?" "in my nightmare...you...you left me to rot just like the others did" My expression softened as I pat ouma's back gently "...i see...well it was just that: a nightmare, there's nothing to worry about" I assured half-heartedly. Truth be told I was planning to leave so I could get some food for ouma but if he's this concerned about it I just have to stay...how am I supposed to get him food though....

I didn't have to wonder much longer as I heard the doorbell ring shortly after "ouma....could I get that?" He whined however he did give me his blessing and gently let go of me. I nervously opened the door to see tojo in one of korekiyo's masks holding a tray of food "tojo? But I thought I told you to stay away from ouma's room?" "Ah I believe you did but as a maid it would simply feel incorrect if I didn't make at least something for kokichi" she explained as she handed the tray to me "oh well....thats very kind of you thank you" "if you need anything more please do not hesitate to ask me" she said wish a slight bow as i shut the door

"Who was it?" Ouma asked lazily "oh it was tojo she gave you food....or more accurately she gave me food to give to you" "I'm so hungryyyyy" he said as he held his stomach "I haven't eaten in days kiiboyyyy" he whined as he rolled over onto his back "but you only got this disease recently....didn't you eat anything befo-" "stop pointing out logical flaws in the stuff I say! That's really endearing- ende- shit!" "N-no need to use profanities ouma...." He puffed a cheek and looked away clearly annoyed "hmph! It's not fair! Why did I get stuck with this stupid disease! I mean, I'm a liar! For a liar to get a disease that makes him tell the truth....is it some kind of sick joke!?" He yelled, getting more fed up by the minute "I will admit that it's rather ironic"

"at least it was me instead of-" he quickly paused before his sentence could be completed "....were....you going to say my name?" "Y-yes I was" I watched his face go pale as he heard himself tell the truth once again "....i....didn't think you cared about me so much....even if I cannot get sick I appreciate it greatly" he stared at me with a conflicting gaze. It looked as if he wished for my demise and wanted to protect me at the same time.

Suddenly our stareing contest was interrupted by the doorbell ringing rapidly "....o-one moment please" I said nervously as I set the tray I forgot I was holding on the bed next to ouma before opening the door "oh momota-kun how-" suddenly he grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of the room "W-wait a moment where are you taking me!?" I yelled as I was taken to an unknown location. I wasn't even able to close the door to ouma's room....

I ended up being taken....to the girls bathroom? "There's something wrong with maki-roll....she's been in there for two entire days but I....I'm not comfortable going in there myself....and I don't want to get sick incase she is" He said as he finally let go of me "you aren't a boy or a girl right? And you can't get sick s-so you can go in there can't you?" "I'm not really sure about the gender thing....i don't think about it too much" i don't get this whole 'gender' thing....why is it important? What does that make me? I'm not sure....its so confusing i'd rather not think about it "Yeah you don't know so you're basically a girl go in there and see what's the matter!" He urged, clearly getting less and less patient with me the longer I stayed with him "o-okay" I wasn't completely comfortable with it but it's okay....

I walked into the bathroom to see Harukawa....washing her hands....her hands were pink several of her nails were gone and I saw deep scratches on the sides of her hands where she was repeatedly scrubbing....i want to vomit..... "H....Harukawa?" She quickly switched her gaze to me as almost all other movement stopped. I saw the same circles in her eyes that ouma had. Her eyes were wide, she was sweating and she was shaking quite a bit "get away....get away from me right now" I put my hands up by my chest and slowly backed away from her "okay....but what's the matter?" "GET AWAY! you'll infect me...YOU'LL INFECT ME GO AWAY GO AWAY GO AWAY" she's seriously this scared of being sick?....but....if she's experiencing similar symptoms to ouma then.....oh dear....."I SAID GO THE HELL AWAY" she screamed as she threw a knife at me. She only barely missed me "okay I'm leaving i'm leaving" I said in a hurry before rushing out of the bathroom.

"What's the matter with her? Do you know?" Momota asked hopefully "i'm sorry to tell you this but.....i.....i think Harukawa has the despair disease" his eyes widened before he got hostile....towards me "what!? Maki-roll's sick!? Damn it! You should've told her not to touch kokichi!" "i-i'm sorry but I didn't think-" "no you don't think do you" then he stomped away, leaving me in the hallway alone. It's because of me that Harukawa-san has gotten sick....no wonder ouma-kun used to call me worthless I let a human come to harm!


"Good morning kiibo" yumeno said lazily as she passed me in the hallway "hello...." I greeted half-heartedly "oh....you feel it too huh" "feel....what?" She looked up ever so slightly as she explained what was going on "nyeh....ever since kokichi got sick everyone's been feeling pretty depressed....I don't really know why but tsumugi thinks it's because of his energetic-ness or something like that....it even got to gonta...." that reminds me....I need to finish taking care of ouma before I can figure out what to do with myself....leaving him in such a state would be awful in every way..... "I see....thank you for explaining to me yumeno-san" I thanked briefly before returning to ouma's room

I had left the door agar just as I thought....i walked into the room and closed the door behind me "huh? Who is it? G-get out!" "Please calm down it's just me" I said as I sat down next to him "oh kiibo! What did kaito do with you I haven't seen you in like....an hour" I felt a strange sinking feeling as he brought back the moment when I realized I was worthless. I had almost forgotten... ".....i'd rather not talk about it" he wouldn't accept that as an answer though and grabbed my cheeks to stare into my soul once again "What. Did. He. Do. To. You." He asked much more forcefully than the first time. I bared my teeth as I tried to hold back the urge to cry. "I-i....." I let out a slight wimper before finally giving in and shouting "I'M WORTHLESS OUMA-KUN!" Before hugging him as close as I could. He sat there stunned for a few seconds before hugging back "no....you aren't....to me at least" "that means a lot more than you think it does...."

We must've been there for at least thirty minutes as he listened to me whine about what momota said to me. It was a such a simple phrase but it got to me so much.... "Ah kaito probably uses a sock puppet as a fleshlight don't listen to what he has to say" "I just cannot help it....I'm sorry"  he paused before his grip got tighter "never....ever....apologize to me....understand?" I hesitated before nodding slowly "yes...." He mumbled "If I wasn't so weak right now I would kick kaito's ass...." "Profanity still isn't necessary"

He would really beat kaito up over me? Is that a thing close friends do? I believe so....why do I still bother trying to form a different kind of relationship with ouma....why can't I accept that I'm the nurse and he's the patient, nothing more....ugh I feel like I'm split in two....

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