Chapter 2

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Sasuke pov:

After pulling up to sakura's house, she walked out and she looked beautiful, I honestly can't believe she's going looking this good to her and the dobe's date after she always rejected him.

My eyes stayed glued on her as she walked towards the car, a confused look on her face as she got closer, the dobe explained the cars situation as she nodded her confusion turning into a shy look. She played with the hem of her dress as i looked at her through the rear view mirror, for a second her eyes met mine as i quickly looked away, i hope she didn't catch me staring.

After the dobe got back in, he started his mouth as i started the car and drove to where he wanted me to take them, i was kind of expecting it of course,the idiot loves ramen so of course he would take her to his favorite place.

Again I kept sneaking looks at her, she seemed....irritated? I mean of course naruto kept blabbing about something irrelevant.

"Right here teme! Turn left" he said as i rolled my eyes turning my signal light on and turning left.

"Wait a ramen shop?" Sakura said in the backseat as i chuckled

"Yeah dobe a ramen shop?"

"Hey! It's no ordinary ramen shop! It's ichiraku's!" Best ramen joint ever!"

"Whatever you say, don't stay out too late we still have school tomorrow plus the assignment" i said

"Stop being so uptight teme! Lets go sakura-chan!" He said

"Okay fine, i guess this will do, i told ino I should've worn something differently i feel overdressed" she said.

So she didn't want to look nice, interesting.

Sakura pov:

I got out of sasuke's car, stealing a look from over my shoulder at him as his window rolled up hiding him behind his tints.

"Come sakura-chan we need to get our food hot!" Naruto said as i turned to him smiling.

"Okay lets go"

When we walked inside the establishment, naruto guided me towards a table with two chairs placed on opposite sides, i pulled my chair out tucking my dress as i sat down as naruto placed his elbows on the table, his hands on his face smiling widely at me.

"Im so happy you finally said yes sakura-chan! You don't know how excited this is, especially since any girl i try to ask out is always more infatuated with teme than me! You're not like that so you have to be the one!" He said.

"I- well that's good?" I didn't know what to say, I couldn't just say I've had a crush on sasuke for forever!

"Hello naruto and who may you be?" A lady waitress said.

"Hi Ayame-chan! This is Sakura-chan my date!"

"My my, she sure is pretty! Naruto is like our number 1 customer my dad Teuchi loves him, say since it's naruto's date your meals will be on the house!" She said .

"Oh no that's fine, i have money" i said.

"No no, really its on the house! We know naruto's go to but what would you like?"

"Well um..just a regular miso-ramen"

"Okay, I'll be back shortly!" She said as i smiled .

"So sakura-chan, you ever have a boyfriend before?" He asked.

"Um no..I haven't"

"Oh wow! I haven't had a girlfriend before either, if i were to have one i would definitely treat her like a queen!" He said.

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