Chapter 9

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Naruto pov:

It's been weeks into winter break, and no one has heard from teme or sakura since the incident in school.

I still don't want them around but it'll be nice to know if they're okay...I wouldn't want anything to have happened to them.

It's unusual for sakura especially to ghost ino and the other girls.

But on to better things, me and the gang are here for our cabin retreat, me and hinata have gotten close.

She's really a sweet and nice girl. I don't know how I didn't realize this from the beginning. I was too busy simping over a no good cheater.

"Naruto-kun, shikamaru is ready" hinata said as i nodded grabbing my duffle bag.

I got into the van we all rented together, as everyone was paired in their seats. I sat with hinata of course.

"Alright don't be a drag everyone put your seatbelts on, my uncle told me to not get a ticket in his van"
Shikamaru said as we strapped in.

He began driving as i looked around the van, even though shikamaru is still on my bad side a little, it wouldn't have been right to decline coming since everyone would be there.

I looked over at the empty seat, where teme and sakura-chan would be but i had to get rid of that thought.

Yeah...forget them.

After a 2 hour drive, We eventually made it.

"Damn this won't be the same without Sakura" Tenten said.

"Yes...I haven't heard from forehead at all"

"Maybe they're out and just haven't had a chance to reach their phones" kiba said.

"Who the hell cares?" I said. "Lets just go y'know" i said walking into the cabin.

We all settled into our rooms, usually it would be me and teme sharing a room but i guess things change.

I walked back downstairs to meet up with everyone as was lounging about.

"Hey did you guys notice the cabin next door? It seems someone is there, it seems like a group of people are there"

"Really?" Tenten asked looking out the window to the cabin. "Oh shit you're right" she said.

"Should we go over and introduce ourselves?"Neji asked.

"That'll be a drag"

"Oh come on! They might be cool!" Ino said as she walked towards the door.

"I-i guess we could go" hinata said softly as i looked down at her smiling. My hand found hers as she blushed.

"If hinata-chan wants to go we should go" i said with a bright smile.

We all put on warms clothes as we walked outside, next door to the cabin.

We knocked on the door a few times but no one came, we ended up hearing commotion down a trail and we followed it.

"Maybe they're at the fire pit" ino said as her and sai led the way.

After a brisk walk, we came upon the noise and we were what we saw.

"No way" tenten.

"What the fuck?" Ino said

Those bastards.

"What a drag"

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